The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 689

“Yes, big sister, very easy,” he pulled the emperor to a more dignified stance, “-the imperial family sure has a thing for going on their knees,” he side-glanced Loftha, “-no matter.”

“Are you going to gloss over what happened?” fired the very red-cheeked Hyde, “-mother.”

“Enough, child,” said a very mature stoic voice, “-you have done enough. Let’s go inside, we need to accommodate our guests.”

“I’ll kindly refuse,” said Igna.

“Don’t be stubborned,” winked Eira gently pitching his back, “-we’re going to talk, and I want you to answer.” Hyde and Xyra weren’t kept for longer, the obvious unhappiness to the outcome presented into a less crowded living room. Loftha and Eira headed upstairs to freshen up, the remainder, Igna, Sultria VI, Midne, and the lady Kirr Sultria. Split into groups of two, they waited on one another under the ever-watchful gaze of the maids. Snacks and drinks were readied for the parle.

“Lady Eira, I apologize for before,” said Loftha in a shared changing room.


“Apologize for what?” she slid on plainer clothes, “-what happened to my strong-hearted Loftha.”

“Please,” her saddened lashes locked onto Eira’s, of which, the latter returned a comforting expression, “-again, you look at me with compassion and understanding. I yet accepted you as my brother’s wife. I’m ashamed to say, but I saw you as the princess of another continent, and not as my own.”

“What about now,” she moved closer, “-how’s the feeling?”

“I feel better, and I mean it. The exchange outside, albeit, crude, after consideration, made much sense.”

“Glad to hear. Let’s hope Hyde and Xyra aren’t lost in the folly of battle. You know how belligerent the boys can be.”

“Tell me about it,” her face swapped for distress, “-I can’t imagine their conversation, best we ignore.”

Time wasn’t long until the others rejoined the quiet living room. The emperor seemed to be caught in a land of incertitude. His mother, who’d aged very well, kept to herself before a rustic typed television. Her lips, glued to a perpetual grin, didn’t falter, images of the show reflected against her face, curtains drew for a dimmer inside.

“I’m back,” said Eira.

“Where’s Loftha?” wondered the emperor.

“She’s in the shower. What’s wrong?” she sat beside her husband, “-what happened, the silence is jarring.”

“We were waiting for you, since, her imperial majesty threatened for I to be...”

“They need not know that.”

“Emperor, empress. If there’s nothing of worth to be gained here, I rather depart,” he glanced at Midne, “-look at her, she’s ashamed beyond comprehension. Do have a bit of empathy.”

“There’s the reason,” added Eira, “-I need to know, why?”

“A trade must be equal and not one-sided. There’s nothing of value to exchange, my thoughts are my own.”

“Since when did you get so prickly.”

He firmed with; “-I don’t need a lecture.”

The undertone of the meeting didn’t feel nice nor friendly. The empress had an ulterior motive, ‘-she wants something and I don’t want to know what it is.’

“We’re back,” returned the brothers, “-brother, sister-in-law,” attention faced the corridor, “-Hyde and I are ready to apologize,” they arrived in suits, “-please forgive our misconceptions.”

“What’s this about?” fired Igna.

“You heard it well,” said Hyde, “-I was very heated earlier, you brought the one who laid harm on our land, I couldn’t stand and watch. The protection of this continent is part of our responsibilities.”

“However,” added Xyra, “-even if the greater picture says our actions were wrong, I personally don’t feel so. We did what we thought to be best, and the results were somewhat unacceptable.”

“I don’t need apologies, what is done is done. Instead, I want one thing, and that’s for you to see my cousin as a person, get to know her, she may be strict and a little like the weather, her thoughts and action mean well. Above all, don’t get her on thy bad side, trust me, we were at each other’s throat for god knows how long. The Haggard Dynasty isn’t as simple as portraited by the news or over the arcanum, we’re a family, and families have misunderstandings all the time. Who am I kidding anyway, words mean nothing, actions are resolute.”

Being the better man, taking responsibility, noble traits of which those at the top need to possess. The living room was soon filled by the imperial family and the two guests. Hyde made the first move in talking to Midne, the awkwardness was stomach-turning. What counted was the effort, and they respected said action. Close-ended questions went back and forth, the demeanor felt more of a negotiation, opposed to a gathering of family. Then again, Eira saw the potential and acted accordingly, Igna nodded to her efforts, thus returned the feeling. They made jests of which Loftha laughed loudly. The subtleness of doubt faded into curiosity, ‘-best outcome we can hope for. They’re on guard, and so are we, I’ve displayed our human nature; should be easier to relate and talk.’

“Igna, on behalf of the Imperial Family, I’d like to say thank you,” bowed Eira, “-you saved my family though it was my responsibility.”

“How many times must I repeat myself, dearest sister. Lowering one’s head isn’t befitting of a monarch. I did my part, a simple and understandable reason.”

“Still, you saved us.”

“...” he leaned and waited; ‘-how can I reply to such a sincere thanks.’

“My turn,” said Loftha sat towards the right, “-tell me, about what happened earlier, sister Eira said you planned it?”

“Not really,” he answered.

“Come on, say it...”

“We must know,” firmed Xyra.

“Keep your secrets if you don’t want to,” shrugged Hyde. Even lady Sultria pulled her hair behind her ears and gave her earnest attention.

“Where to begin, suppose I should start where Loftha and I first met. She came across as a spoiled brat. She had power, intelligence, and beauty; the typical traits observed among said category. In a way, I knew we’d meet again, and thus the second encounter at my manor. She rudely ruined my butler’s yard, lastly, her tone and persona when she asked for help. The fa?ade of a strong lady shook at times; in a moment of extreme fatigue and pain, the mind eases and a person’s true intent is shown. There was more to the story. Thereon, in the battle of the lagoon, I defeated and recruited the invaders. Yes,” he locked onto Hyde, “-the Valkyries and Dullahan are part of my family. Under normal circumstances, I’d have headed home right away, sadly,” he turned to Midne, “-her bra was torn in a test. The rest is known. Big sister Eira gave the strongest clue, her action to stand behind the family wasn’t fake nor was it a show, her intent to slay was true. A combination of factors painted the greater picture – and yes, its sounds simple, alas, tis not. Rumors and information gathering have been a priority duty for my butler; bits and pieces assembled to create a hypothesis. I took a gamble and called the emperor worthless; since Midne was present, I knew we’d fight off any premature attack. The gamble paid and he broke. The words were meant to be crude and heart tearing; for one who waited almost a decade to marry she who he loved, questioning the feelings was a simple choice. There you have it, my thoughts put in words.”


“Igna... you sneaky devil,” winked Eira.

“Hold on a moment,” voiced Hyde, “-did you set up the schemes and tone of voice for a specific reaction?”

“Perhaps,” he smiled, “-depending on the response, I adjusted the projected image to benefit the end goal.”

“Which was?”

“To create unrest, I don’t take kindly to my companions being maltreated. Regardless if we met two hours ago, she’s part of my family, there’s naught be discussed.”

“Eira is Igna truly your cousin or someone greater. He’s the same age, perhaps younger, than my brothers... there’s a limit to how far a man can manipulate his surroundings, who is to say he’s not scheming right now?”

“He’s not,” firmed Eira, “-the imperial family has no value.”

“Sorry, sister Eira, tis a very disrespectful thing to say,” commented Hyde.

“No, tis reality. There’s no value in pursuing further, is there, Igna?”

“True, I’m already bored.”

“A breath of fresh air, I’m glad we met,” said the emperor.

“Likewise, brother-in-law, I hope our families grow closer.”

“Time for us to get going,” he stood, “-good luck on the future, Imperial family of Sultria.”

“I’d have hoped Amber to be present,” added Loftha, “-she’d have given Igna a run for his money.”

The living room changes to the calm pool, the gates open for a view off the cliff. The sky turned orangish, Midne waited patiently, so much happened the mind nulled. “Wait up.”


“Yes,” he panted, “-Igna, what’s your plan for the future?”

“What do you mean by the plan?”

“The conglomerates,” the face froze, “-you drove out Lum from Odgawoan.”

“Suppose the emperor’s information network is grand. The current objective is to topple the balance of the over and the underworld. Odgawoan will become a battlefield, monsters have invaded and the familias may start to war, rather, will war.”

“The imperial family is bound under the remainder conglomerates. My older sister, Amber Sultria, has taken a hit for the family and works without rest to make ends meet. The policies aren’t very favorable to us, the powerful have an overabundant flow of money.”

“Basically, you’re being manipulated from the shadows?”

“Yes, and I’d advise caution, they control the continent.”

“The Patek’s and Cimier, right?”

“How did you know,” the eyes widened, “-how...”

“Listen, emperor, I do not pity the Patek’s, I’m sure they killed my lover, and I swear, I’ll get revenge one day.”

“I see.”

“If that’s all, I’ll take my leave. Enjoy, brother-in-law, enjoy. Treat my sister well, she’s a very strong player; when the day comes where she steps on the battlefield, we’ll either be friends or foe. That, my friend, is yours to decide.” Wings sprouted, the dignified figure flapped and held a hand to the lady – far into the distance, Loftha and the bunch watched enviously. A strong gust outlined against the setting sun, “-he’s gone,” said Loftha.

“Xyra, tell me, brother, why did you jump headfirst into battle earlier, we could have fought as one.”

“Hyde, I’m sorry brother, I didn’t want to see a part of me be hurt.”

“Those two and the bond of brotherhood,” her head shook.

“What happened?”

“I don’t know. For the record, I hate Igna Haggard, he’s stuck up and has an air of superiority, the words he uses don’t have tact nor does he care about the other’s feelings. I dislike him a lot...”

“Why the doubt?”

“I don’t know, he’s kind to ‘family’ I suppose?”

“Igna’s an enigma. He’s changed a lot, no idea if for the better or worse. My aunt said he lost his mentor and lover to unknown attackers. In a way, he figured out the former and still couldn’t find closure.”

“Lost his lover?” her head tilted.


“Yes, she was drugged and killed. Guess it’s one of the reasons he’s here, the death of starlets in Odgawoan, I don’t know the full story; ask him directly.”

“No, not going to happen,” she frowned, “-perish the thought.”

“As you wish.”

The trip back lasted a few hours, the nightlife was one Midne hadn’t seen before.

“-We’re back,” they landed, “-welcome to the manor.” Emptiness and heavy tree-line didn’t immediately speak ‘-peaceful’.

The lift descended to, “-welcome home, master.”

“Good to be back. Where are the others?”

“The Raven’s have taken to the red-light district.”

“I presume Starix has taken to his role?”

“Yes, very well actually. Asmodeus and Kul are present for support.”

“Where’s Vanesa?”

“Having dinner.”

“Right. Here’s Midne, a Valkyrie and your new assistant. Train her well.”

‘Wait, no, don’t leave me...’ her unspoken thoughts fell short, ‘-he smiled and left. My life starts anew.’

“Welcome to the manor,” firmed éclair, “-I’ll be your mentor from today onward.”

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