The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 632

“Oh my prince,” said one licking his chest to the neck, “-why wake us so early,” a seductive side glance sent amorous pleasure to his heart.

“Ladies,” he sat against the headboard, “-I’m afraid it’s not late.”

“Yeah, the hell is not,” returned a slightly annoyed roommate, “-Asmodeus, I know the whole deal about the prince of lust is important,” an angered Gravy waited with arms crossed, “-the alarm is enough to wake us both. Moans and simple whispers will but hamper the process.”

“Highness, the lowly side-dish is spouting words,” pointed a very well-defined figure.

“Do beg our pardon, virgin sir,” nodded another, “-I don’t seem to understand vegetable, sorry,” a tilt and a smirk sufficed.

“GO TO HELL!” he thundered, the crowd ‘poofed’.


“Don’t be hard on my harem,” he swam to the edge and slipped into warm loafers, what remained of decent clothing slipped onto the floor. A downward glimpse turned to, “-I’m sorry,” a blanket hung onto his large member, “-morning wood,” he shrugged and laughed.

“Honestly,” they facepalmed.

Immediately next door, Kul awoke beside the headless faces of specters. “-Ghosts?” she sat and gestured the finger downward, a semi-visible lance impaled whoever they were, ‘-how very ungentlemanlike,’ a sleeping gown lavishly went about her shoulders, ‘-waking a lady with a curse.’

“Good morning,” echoed the corridor. éclair waited impatiently; the doors opened concurrently. ‘-What’s happening?’ spoke the neighbors with gestures. Asmodeus shrugged and said, ‘-I don’t know?’ the well-mannered Gravy sorted his tie and ambled to the retainer’s side.

“G-good morning, éclair,” returned Kul.

“Yes, it is a good morning. There are a few things we need to discuss,” he vehemently targeted Asmodeus, “-I understand your harem came to pay a visit?”

The misunderstanding cleared, he posted against the entrance and smugly grinned, “-yes they did,” he winked lustfully, “-I’ll invite you on their next visit, let’s have the experience of our lives.”

“Asmodeus,” the floor rocked, “-prince of lust or whatnot,” he stomped and slammed the adjacent wall, “-look into my eye, and tell me, is having an orgy at fucking three in the morning necessary?”

“Best time to do so,” he replied nonchalantly, “-three am is when my harem gets in the mood, don’t blame me as tis the devil’s hour.” The pressure cracked the lovely painted wall.

“Don’t anger me,” the pressure eased, a beep escaped from the lift. Heavy steps stomped; long white hair washed by Kul’s face to stand beside éclair.

“Gentleman,” smiled Igna, “-it is a good day,” Vanesa and Saniata peered over his shoulders, Draconis confidently mimicked Igna’s stance.

“Yes,” chuckled the prince, “-I mean, I did wake up to a lovely team of hot specimens.”

“Yes, hot,” he leaned, “-don’t do that again,” murderous whisper had the demon gulp.

“Pops,” complained Vanesa, “-I want food,” she pulled his ear.

“F-fine,” and off he was to the kitchen. Being tough around children was hard, especially since they didn’t care how he seemed.

Later on, before breakfast, éclair explained what had happened. The prince’s intimate party resounded across their floor, one on which the children stayed. Thus, at four am, he intervened and carried the distressed children to Igna’s suite. As demons, they knew what was happening – then again, the sounds were traumatizing per its right. The thought of chastisement troubled the prince till breakfast started. Kul’s outfit, or what little clothes hung around her waist and chest had éclair in pain. Young Draconis didn’t spare the light of day to make unsavory comments. She took the jest badly and lashed out. Vanesa and Saniata’s constant bickering halted any chance of parenting the boy.

“Come on there,” interjected Asmodeus, “-why are you angry at my little brother?” the latter climbed onto his shoulder and gawked.

“Tell her big brother,” the arms crossed self-assuredly, “-I’m not interested in looking at the body of a virgin,” he laughed.

“Body of a virgin...” her eyes glazed in disgust, “-prince of lust, care to tell the little boy to shut the fuc-”

“NO,” he gestured loudly, “-no rude language before my brother. He’s a witness to my greatness, I’ve allowed him the pleasures to see my performance plenty o’ times. What I mean to say is, don’t be worried, he’s not interested in demons, especially unattractive ones,” he scanned in a once-over.

“Hey boys, would you like to have a breakfast made by yours truly?” her voice sounded pure and pleasant, the intent told of another story.

“Quiet,” the sweet aroma of deliciousness rolled into the dining hall. Quarrels stopped per a slap of the scent. The visible steam reached as if a witch’s hand and asked for the table to approach.

“Food, food, food, food,” followed behind, “-we’re the food train,” proclaimed Saniata. Draconis leaped off the prince’s shoulders and joined. (The food train; a game the troublemakers fabricated. It simply involved a pan, a spoon, and a lot of noise. The leader had to regularly hit the pan, the ‘cabins,’ were to grasp the shoulders and walk) Havoc and carnage rained more than coordination, Vanesa practically clawed her way to keep pace. The next thirty minutes flowed without trouble. Right after Igna finished, the hype-duo of Draconis and Saniata made for the gaming room. The remainder snoozed on Igna’s lap. The butlers handled the dirtied dishes.

“Asmodeus and Kul, please stay a moment, I’d like to discuss a few things.” Meaningless glances said, ‘-we’re getting scolded.’

“Don’t trouble yourself,” he warmly leaned into the chair, “-the harem and skimpy outfits are welcomed. I don’t have qualms, do as is wished, there’s no specific regulation to follow. Do as is pleased and remember to be courteous to the others. Cast a barrier the next time, the ritual is awkward as is, I don’t want to hear how big the prince’s member is or how much they want to be abused, do I make myself clear?”

“Oh...” the face flushed; “-it’s embarrassing when you voice it so.”

“I’m glad, you’re somewhat normal, it’s nice.”

“What about me?” pouted Kul.

“The outfits,” he nodded, “-do wear warmer clothes. The manor might be subject to impromptu visits, what then, will you walk outside and flash the guests?”

“Can’t do,” she refused, “-I feel comfortable...”

“Say no more, wear whatever, keep at least a mild sense of modesty.”

“Alright, that I can do.”

The mood darkened, “-here’s the key to my bike,” it slid across the table, “-I want you and Kul to head into town and scout a location. The current red-light district is in Fulha’s district. Be on guard, the casinos are notorious for their ‘-on hand,’ type of advertisement. The cost will be an issue, therefore, scout for the motel first. Report to me once it’s done,” he slid over two bank cards,” -there, personal accounts. I’ve deposited 100,000 Exa on each. Spend it as is wished, tis payment for being my companions.”

“Hell yeah,” cheered Asmodeus, the horns lit in excitement, “-a small fortune to spend,” he stopped and gave a stern look, “-can I gamble with it?” the mouth watered.

“Do as you wish. Go on now, get changed, and leave.”

The bike blasted out the gates and onto the main road. They took the express-way circling Odgawoan, located at the town’s edge. The journey was long and without traffic. Usually, people chose to drive in the city despite traffic as the round trip lasted longer than waiting. The exception, a fast vehicle.

‘Feels quiet,’ figured Igna, ‘-my package should be arriving soon,’ an hour elapsed. The studio serenaded melodic passages on the piano. Inspiration came unexpectedly, for one wanting to break into the entertainment world, he had to use his strength. The reluctance of being better in various fields disappeared. ‘-My boons are my talent,’ he thought and played, ‘-I’ve worked hard to acquire my powers. If they give me an edge over others, then so be it.’ Inherit humbleness altered in all-inspiring confidence. ‘I finally accepted myself. Decades have elapsed, I was foolish and ignorant. Always rejecting my powers and abilities to care for others. Those days are long past, I’ll make my goals true, none’s going to stop me,’ it spawned from Origin’s knowledge and heart.

*Knock knock,* a red-light of ‘recording,’ dimmed.

“Master,” said éclair, “-the package has arrived. I’ve moved it to the basement. Shall I seal the alchemic room or will you do the honors?”

“I’ll take it from here,” he left the warmly colored studio, “-I’ve recorded a full-length track. Care to mix it?”

“I’d love too,” he nodded, “-music is mathematics after all.” After the porch and into the bar, a passageway opened underneath the counter. Excessive security guarded access. Nonetheless, he escaped into the brightly lit cellar. To the left laid an open large resting area. In it were sofas, tables, empty slots for expansion. To the right were many o’ blank doors stamped on a blank wall. He carried to the end where a double door stood guard. Another scan sparked a buzz, it parted and slid. Multiple apparatus laid in wait, tall shelves harbored potions. Scrolls to count among the relics were placed on display. An improvement of the machine in Rosespire rested to the far right against the wall. ‘-They’ve moved my research papers and previous experiments,’ he strolled to a large experimental cell. In it laid a robust coffin.

‘There it is,’ he entered and glanced, ‘-the frozen body of an idol. Julius did a great job, she’s exactly the same. The face appears younger, I’m sure the fans won’t question the age. Besides, the world has witnessed an old man become young again, she should be fine,’ he knelt, a press opened the lid. White fumes escaped, ‘-cold,’ he thought and exhaled. The room locked; robust barriers summoned.

“The requirements have been met,” he kicked, the coffin lifted the body onto a table, “-I don’t require ancient symbols for the ritual. Origin is ancient himself,” the lips pressed in composure. *Knowledge known to only the watcher, I, master and inheritor of Origin, beckon thee; Mantia, Library of the all-knowing. Realm Expansion.* A whirlpool drowned the cell, the bleakness replaced with a mosaic scape of awkwardly colored surfaces. The ceiling opened to a literal picturesque skyscape, it felt as if they were inside a painting. The birds flapped erratically, no flow in the motion, rather, forced and unnatural. A flick of the fingers summoned coverless books; the pages crumpled autonomously into origamis.

*Souls bound to my soul, companions, servants, those who I’ve deemed worthy to stand at my side, heed me, heed mine voice, heed mine call. I, Igna Haggard, Heir to Death, call upon thy strength, arise Box of Soul – Release.* a flash of light hurled out the chest.

‘Simple,’ the eyes shut, ‘-I need two pages from the book of Eami.’

The pinkish orb lingered above the lifeless doll, ‘-it needs to be acquainted,’ *snap,* a gust forced the instruction. The soul forcefully merged with the doll, ‘-and this should do it,’ paper-airplane dived into her forehead and heart, it pulsed. ‘-And it’s done.’

*Realm Expansion – Release.*

‘Didn’t even need my element,’ he stumbled, ‘-so much knowledge,’ the picture-like surfaces revived.

She noiselessly sat upright and blinked cluelessly. ‘She seems in good health,’ he heavily panted, ‘-the element is active, the soul’s accepted the body and her memories and personality are returning.’ Her cluelessness eased, the expression subtly changed as the hands and legs moved.

“Is that you?” she slipped off the table and held his visage, “-Staxius, it’s you!” her eyes watered, “-but how... I remember being pushed off a building.”

“-Yeah,” he patted her head, “-it happened a few years ago. You’ve been revived in the future.”

“Revived? I’m confused...”

“Sit down, I’ll explain what’s happened.”

‘What is there to explain?’ her eyes narrowed, ‘-the room is so clean, what am I doing here, it feels wrong. I was revived... no, the mob was hunting me down, I thought I’d try and end the suffering... the boy, wait... that’s not Staxius, the aura feels more confident and pleased... what is this?’

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