The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 529

“So,” he moved to squat before the wife’s face, “-might I have an answer?”

“...” Complete silence, the servants stood in utmost horror.

“Don’t move,” a line drew, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* two more left for death, the blood all but amplified the crystal halo. “Crying for help isn’t going to matter,” a deathly half-smirk had the family hurdle in protection, “-so, might I have an answer?”

“O-ok,” strangling the fear of death, “-I’ll g-give you a-an answer,” staggered to a stand, the blood flowed profusely. “-my actions in the past don’t deserve forgiveness, neither does it need to be exposed to the world. Listen here, boy,” he glared, “-words won’t matter, tell me your condition and I’ll do as you say.”

“Sell me your wife and daughter.”

“What?” the heart sank.


“You heard me,” he smiled, “-I’ll enjoy defiling both the ladies of the Unda family. What,” paused to glance over the shoulder, “-does it burn you inside?”


“Ohh, you choose silence now?” he laughed mockingly, the hall echoed, the tranquility felt unbearable. “-How unfortunate, I have a libido that can only be quelled per the death of my lover,” dashed to Lady Go’s side, “-she’ll hold up strong after a few lashes. Some boiling hot water may help in her recovery,” sat on the staircase with legs crossed, “-now then, Mr. Go, would you like another chance at bargain?”

“How cruel can a person be,” said the lady, “-do you have no shame looking at me through such a perverse gaze.”

“Shut your mouth. This is getting old.”

*Once living now dead. O’ thee who’ve lost thine life to mine blade, thee who held regrets in the mortal world, I grant thee a chance at life. Be one with those who are to serve me, Blood-Arts: Ghoul Revival.* a simple gesture of ascension rumbled the tiled floor. The dead servants rose to a pale state. Eyes held no emotion, the face hung in-between life and death.

“You, go fetch me a video camera.” The maid in question soiled herself after being pointed at, “-Quickly,” he commanded.

All the while a makeshift filming set was made, Mr. Go’s knees gave to him lying in a pool of his urine. The walking ghoul’s presence stole speech from everyone present’s mouth. “Doesn’t this bring back memories,” added Igna.

Go rose his head in confusion, the expression flashed to terror, “-d-don’t.”

“Oh, what now,” a hard slap had his face bang against the cold floor, “-doesn’t it bring back sweet memories?”

“W-what a-are you...”

“Shut up,” a kick knocked a tooth, “-watch and admire, this is the price I’ve decided you’ll pay.”

The slow-walking of the ghouls paused. Mrs. Go watched as the reality sunk in, “-no,” she begged.

“Ghouls,” commanded Igna, “-defile her and have no mercy.” The three ex-butlers galloped to tear at her remaining clothes. She cried, begged, try to escape to no avail, the ghouls soon had her on all-fours.


“Halt!” moment before the ghouls devoured, they paused mere inches away.

“What is this now?” he smiled; “-you give up?”

“Y-yes,” he breathed, “-I c-can’t. Take what you want, I’ll do what you want, just don’t hurt my family.”

“Give me the address to the hideout. Transfer everything over to Mrs. Go’s name. She’ll be the new head of the family.”

“Ok, bring me the contract, I’ll sign it.” Just as it so happened, éclair had it all readied beforehand. ‘Unda Inc owns multiple warehouses used for photoshoots. They mainly make money from real-estate. Alright, this should do.’

“Please,” he begged with sweat pouring down the forehead, “-let my wife and child go.”

“Huh,” he stopped, “-I never promised I’d let her go.” Despair settled, he did as was told to no avail, not a shred of regret nor humanity shone in the boy’s eyes. “Guess what,” he turned to the ghouls, “-RESUME!” the event broadcasted over the dark-side of the Arcanum, a lady being abused and tortured. She cried, screamed, begged. The man’s heart sank, the girl’s laid her head onto the cold floor and watched, tragedy and pain traumatized the psyche.


“How very observant,” *Blood-Arts: Extria* a snap and blood exploded all over the hall. Mrs. Go rested head first onto the staircase, her body rocked, the pain in her eyes, it couldn’t have been any more tragic.

“Alright, that’s enough,” *snap,* they dissolved.

“How was it,” asked he holding a nonchalant smile.

“You demon,” said she.

“Mind thy tongue,” the commanding tone had her in tears, “-remember my face and name well. You’re under my command, you’ll do as I say,” he stared at the girl. “Ever try double-crossing me,” he grabbed her collar, “-and I’ll make sure this little princess suffers far more than you have endured here.”

“Never, I’m not going to bow-down and give up.”

“You’ve already swooped to kiss the floor. Shall I bring in more ghouls to ravish what little dignity you have?”

“I dare you,” she glared, adrenaline had her standing head-to-head against him.

“As you wish,” *Smack,* she went flying across, *Blood-Arts: Crimson Threads,* the remainder of the retainers died.

*Once living now dead. O’ thee who’ve lost thine life to mine blade, thee who held regrets in the mortal world, I grant thee a chance at life. Be one with those who are to serve me, Blood-Arts: Ghoul Revival.* “Hear me, undead,” voiced he, “-enjoy partaking in the carnal desires.”

“IGNA!” her bravado soon sunk into terror.

“I’ll be taking this girl here as a hostage,” held by the neck, “-see you in a few days.”

“Was all that necessary?” wondered éclair.

“Do you feel bad for them?” the jeep drove away.

“Not really, the cruelty is a little too much.”

“Is that so,” he chuckled, “-believe it or not, I had darker plans in mind.”

The girl sat quietly in the passenger seat. Destination, Unda’s hideout. The latter stood on the border between Konlda and Fulha towards the south. A two-hour drive considering traffic. “éclair,’ halfway into the drive, “-how’s the local news here, are they corrupt?”

“Yeah, everything is corrupt, as long as you have money, anything goes.”

“Alright. Have the footage be transferred to multiple papers. Heading should be, ‘-Karma.’ Include the damning evidence against Mr. Go, show the tortured girls.”

“Why, didn’t you do this to acquire Unda Inc?”

“Not now,” said he, “-if I make the transfer there’ll be suspicion even if there’s corruption. It’s an open threat to those who might be responsible for Aceline’s disappearance.”

“Shooting in the dark?”


The girl kept the same expression, “-hey,” spoke he.


“Girl, tell me your name.”


“Want to end up like mother?”

“...” she turned to hold teary eyes, “-too late...”

“What do you mean?”

“Mother and Father have already sold me to other people before.”

“Oh, I see,” patting her head, “-did you enjoy the sight of them being treated the same as you?”


“Then, no problem,” facing the road, ‘-tis a problem. If the parent chose to sell her, she has no merit as a hostage. Suppose I’ll have to subdue Mrs. Go.’ The hideout came in viewing distance, a small building hidden between taller apartments. “Stay here,” ordered he. The door locked; the lone-figure merged into the supposed washing company’s inside.

‘All of you, die.’

Outside, “-Girl,” said the jeep, “-are you going to stay here or run away?”

“I’ll stay,” said she.


“Because I feel at ease,” the voice held a hint of guilt.

“Tell me your story.”

“Well, father abused me when I was around nine. Mother kept watch and snickered. I tried to run but he refused. He’d often bring other men his age and even older to do the same thing as before. I don’t hate father, nor I hate mother, they always said I was a good girl after I did what the strangers asked. I know it was wrong... well, it’s fine. Father said the only way to become a starlet was to go on the casting couch, he said it was training for the future.”

“Phew,” the door opened, “-sure was a mess,” said Igna soaked in blood. “-What’s your name?”

“Lilian Go.”

“Alright Lily, I heard what you said to éclair. Honestly speaking,” he stared coldly, “-you have no merit as a hostage. I’m content to abandon you here.”

“Ok,” she sunk her head and opened the door, “-sorry for being a bother.”

“Don’t be so hasty,” the door shut, “-what have you dreamt of becoming?”

“I want to sing and be an idol. I want to become like Aceline, the Pride of Hidros. Her songs always made me happy during those traumatic experiences.”

“Ahh,” he smiled, “-how about you die.”



“Yes,” a knife rested atop the dashboard, “-take the knife and slit thy throat.”

“Is this an order?” wondered she coldly.


*Gulp,* blade in hand, ‘-goodbye,’ eyes shut, she motioned to slit in a single stroke.

“Good,” the blade stopped shy of her neck, “-you’re dead.”

“I don’t understand...” her lashes flickered in confusion.

“You killed yourself,” he smiled, “-what’s there to not understand. From today forth, you’re reborn. Don’t worry about the past. Swear right now that you’ll always obey my every word.”

“I swear,” she bowed.

“Then, lil lady, think of a name.”

“Celina,” said she.

“Celina it is.” The jeep went forth towards the apartment. Left in his wake, the ash of Unda’s underground ‘gang’. Images and evidence of their movement arrived at the news stations. The blood-soaked clothes soon cleared using Bloody-Mary. The hovering halo gathered into an apple. *Crunch,* “-want to stop by and eat something?” she nodded. Crowley’s Eatery, a big sign of a burger holding a presumptuous smile. The yellow jeep parked in a beaten state, breaking through a mansion and driving for so long deserved praise.

“Come on,” they held hands, “-what would you like to eat?”

“The big one if it’s no trouble.”

“Alright,” thus, they sat and had lunch. The frightened girl’s expression lightened at the sight of chips and soft drinks.

‘Why did I have to fall prey to her sad past,’ the prospect brought a sneaky grin, ‘-I’ve killed so many people today. Ordered a lady to be defiled, and had a husband suffer through the worst time of his life. Come to think of it, all this began because of a single comment of my manager being referred to as a play-thing. Should really set my priorities straight.’ The window gave onto the broken jeep, ‘-if only I had magic, I could destroy the jeep without effort. Intherna would do just about fine.’ *Thud,* a sharp pain had him headfirst onto the table, ‘-what’s this...’

“Thy wish is my command,” whispered a gentle voice. *BANG* the jeep burst into flames. People struggled to call the firefighters.

‘This pain,’ he buckled, ‘-I can’t...’

“Grow stronger,” said the whisper.

“Are you ok?” inquired Celina calmly staring at the ball of fire.

“Yeah,” the pain eased, ‘-weird.’

“éclair, get me a hold of Lady Elvira.”

“Are you sure?”


*Dring,* “-Hello?”

“Lady Elvira, sorry, it’s me, Igna.”

“How are you doing,” said she ruffling about.

“I’m fine, thank you for asking. I need a favor.”

“Favor at this young an age?” she teased, “-so, what’s the matter.”

“éclair will send a few files. I’ve sort of exterminated a gang and captured the leader. Is it possible to have a few members look over the mansion?”

“Igna,” her tone sunk, “-are you sure about this?”

“Yes,” he smiled, “-thought long and hard. I’d like to get involved in Phantom after all. There’s something I need to find, and I can’t do so without your help.”

“Glad to hear it,” said she, “-I’ll notify lady Courtney. Welcome to the family. I’ll relay orders to éclair. Good job,” said she browsing the report, “-Unda’s Inc, good choice.”

“About that,” the voice felt hesitant, “-I might have taken pity.”

“The little girl,” voiced she, “-I know, éclair’s sent the information. Let’s discuss it in greater details later in the week.”

“Alright, see you soon, auntie.”

“Later, nephew.”

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