The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 491

“It’s still early for them to be ranked up,” argued Fletcher, “-they are nothing more than greenhorns.”

“My decision is final. Besides, you’ve seen their prowess, it will be fine. The ball is now in thy court, Lady Beth, who are you going to pick?”

“A five-man,” sighed she, “-that’s the most we can have for the raid. Babysitting anymore might come to harm our synergy.”

“Don’t underestimate our students,” said Melisa, “-Pegasus’s raiding team will be fine. You have Lady Misna’s party too.”

“Yeah, yeah, I guess,” her arms crossed and face sunk. A decision had to be made.

“We don’t have all day,” voiced Denver, “-there’s the paperwork for their advancement to consider.”


“Fine, fine,” she shook her head, “-let me think. I’ll go for Frost, Anna, Rena, Lampard, and Jen.”

“Mind I know the reasoning behind?” wondered Lady Haru.

“Frost is a mage and fighter. Anna is the same, her conjurations are powerful. Rena is fast and capable of handling ambushes. Lampard is the spear, he’ll break defenses and move forth. Lastly, Jen, her fire-power outmatches most of the archers I’ve seen. Giving her a Rare-type bow should garner interesting results.”

“Won’t argue with that line of thought.” The room came to an understanding.

Igna breathed fresh air by a lonesome tree inside the unexplored park. Granted, there were trees around, just not in the immediate vicinity, the ground shadow under the foliage was deserted, almost deprived of ‘life’. The mind wandered left to right, questions about what he is raised to the forefront. Never did the thought of being an awful being in the past cross his mind. Innocent as a babe; the reality of one’s karma settled. In the battle, in the fight, controlling the pawns, pulling strings, planning, outsmarting the onlookers, it felt nostalgic, familiar, and homely. No amount of satisfaction from hard-work could honestly compare. Time went on to be 14:00. Those chosen by Beth were gathered at the cleaned arena.

‘It’s like nothing happened,” commented Rena, “-a a few hours ago and it is a warzone.”

“I know,” nodded Jen, “-very scary.”

Anna and Frost took their time to arrive. “Hello, Lampard,” said Frost grabbing his shoulder.

“Get off me,” he shrugged, “-didn’t you pathetically give up earlier?”

“What you say?” he side-glanced, “-you trying to pick a fight, huh, punk?” they butted heads.

“Calm it you two,” said Anna, “-anymore close and you guys might kiss. Oh the memories...” referring to a particular incident, the duo jumped back.

“Whatever do you mean,” said Frost coyly.

“It was nothing,” gritted Lampard,”-no more talking of the past.”

“Jen and Rena,” said Anna, “-you two are from Military-arts, right?”

“Yes,” they nodded, “-we’re part of Group C.”

“Cool,” she smiled, “-I’m Anna and this here is Frost, we’re from Group A.”

“You two did nicely during the battle,” praised Frost,” -and that other boy too, what’s his name?”

“The mage yeah?” intervened Anna.

“Yeah, yeah.”

“Leonard,” fired Jen.

“Yes, the pretty boy,” laughed Frost, “-obviously, not as pretty as I am.”

“Shut it,” mumbled Anna.

“Ok,” it sent shivers down his back.

*Clop, clop, clop,* two ladies entered from the eastern doorway. “Are you who we nominated earlier?”

“Yes,” added Melisa walking from the opposite side, “-these are the students thee called for.”

“Good,” she stopped with hands behind her back. “-Anna, Frost, Lampard, Jen, and Rena. You were chosen out of nine other spectacular students to lead an expedition with Pegasus and Lady Misna’s party,” to which the latter nodded in acknowledgment. “We will part tomorrow. We’ve got the backing from the director as well as the instructors. Excluding Frost who’s in an independent Guild, you four will be on display for interested parties. I’m certain I don’t have to explain why it’s so important.”

“Yes, ma’am,” the palpable severity of her body posture and mannerism let a pearl of cold sweat escape. The sky-lighting glimmered of Jen’s bigger forehead.

“Lady Beth,” interjected Anna, “-might I know of the other unchosen candidates?”

“Sure. Cole, Ila, Leonard, and Igna.” The look on the students didn’t seem satisfactory, “-I suppose I’ll give my reasoning on why you were picked. Cole is good for sneak attacks and finishing monsters. He’s very skilled and compliments Frost’s fighting style. Though he’s not perfect, he misses easily and does novice-like mistakes when alone. Rena’s the better version of his skill-set, at this moment anyway. Ila, I didn’t see much of her, she forces herself to not outshine Anna, it’s a bad habit, and her strong personality might create team-work issues. Leonard is a mage, one who trained at the academy – he’s very skilled but weak-willed. He won’t do anything unless forced for has to save someone. He’s no match to Anna’s supportive arsenal of spells. Lastly, Igna, the boy belongs to the Trader’s Guild. He showed good swordsmanship but not great. For an average joe focused on trading and day to day life, he’ll manage to fend off bandits. I can’t expect much from that frail a man.”

“Thank you, ma’am,” they bowed allowing the speakers to leave.

“Guild Lady Melisa,” whispered Anna, “-is Ila’s personality that bad?”

Chuckled, “-no, no,” her head shook and her mouth kept on staying calm, “-ok, I’m lying. Her possessiveness is a problem we all have to deal with. Anyway, get ready for tomorrow. It’s going to be a long trip. Don’t allow this chance to slip through, grab and forge thy future.”

Up inside the faculty office, Lady Haru wanted to question Denver’s blatant misjudgment of Igna. Everyone was granted a tier increase while he remained Tier-10.

“Don’t give me that look,” said he dropping his legs off the desk, “-I can’t overrule the Ardanian Guild’s ranking. I’m sure you understand this matter fully.”

“Are you mad?” she smirked.

“Mad about what?” the supposed light-weight newspaper slammed onto the table.

“About me going behind your back and signing him to the Ardanian guild.”


“If you say so,” she locked the plant-filled small office and skipped along the corridor. The seductively shorter-dress swayed to the point of showing what hid beneath. Needless to say, the office-workers were enchanted by the up and down. She did it purposefully, wanting to see men squirm and be reprimanded by the ladies. ‘What should I do next?’ she exited to see a truck bearing Phantom’s crest. ‘What are they doing here?’ upon closer look, the cap-wearing deliverymen scanned the area senselessly.

‘I must have dozed off,’ yawed Igna climbing the stairs. éclair rang an alarm so loud it deafened the left ear leaving a high-pitch buzzing. “It sure was fast.”

“Transport from the capital to here is easy. They’re waiting for you,” added éclair.

“Excuse me,” asked Lady Haru leaning forward, “-what is Phantom doing here?”

“Waiting for our employer,” returned the man unimpressed by her provocations.

‘Damn it. Those working for Phantom are nulled to my attempts at seduction.’

“Are you from Phantom?”

“Yes, and you must be Igna Haggard,” he soon ran and ignored the guild leader.

“Could you please sign here, and here,” as one took care of the papers, the other opened the truck and showed the merchandise.

“Very fast service, I’d say,” he climbed to check – obviously, éclair did all the scanning and verification,”-all in order. Is it possible to have it deposited further back?”

“No problem.”

“Lady Haru, what are you doing here?” the truck made for the Workshops.

“Wondering what brought Phantom here. Did you cause trouble?” her ears shuffled.

“No, it’s business,” he explained the finer details.

“Good, good,” gently patting his head, “-don’t waste time, go see to the customer.” The fleeting figure walked away silently. ‘-It’s for the better if he doesn’t experience the dungeon. Why did Lady Courtney have to teach him swordsmanship? I sense traces of dark-mana, is she trying to reawaken the king... best leave it to her discretion. Granting the Haggard name is an overwhelming responsibility. She knows best what to do, after all, the lady is him in a way.”

As usual, the workshop banged away with explosions and young traders haggling for experimental goods. The truck came as a surprise at first to then be forgotten. Gayae’s workshop held more bikes than normal.

“Are you there?” the shout muddled into the cacophony, “-yo, are you there?” he banged the metallic door.

“I heard ya,” the dim interior had a tall shadow exit, “-what’s the matter with you, can’t you see I wrote no more orders for today, god, you going to make me old.”

“Sorry to disturb.”

“Igna, it’s you,” he reached the grease-stained hands.

“Yes, well, I’ve brought what I promised.”

“You’re kidding,” he turned the corner, “-where is it?”

“In the truck,” pointing back.

“Damn, from Phantom,” they walked over, “-I guess you really are a rich dude, aren’t you?”

“No, no, I’m just paying them from the money you’ll give me.”

“Yeah, yeah, sure, I believe you,” the distracted words held no weight – same to how Haru often left men breathless, the engine had him drooling. “-it’s the real deal, oh my god.”

“I told you, didn’t I?” shrugged Igna.

“Thanks, man,” he jumped off, “-thing is, I don’t have all the money right now.”

“Cool by me. I’m staying at Kord’s Eatery. I’m fine as long as you bring the cash.”

“What are you?” he paused; “-how can you trust me so easily?”

“You have a place in this already crowded workshop. The popularity shows by the number of bikes, there’s no way you’ll do something so stupid. Besides, the dedication in crafting a dream is not something worth using shady tactics to accomplish.”

“Right,” he gave another firm handshake, “-if you ever have problems, come by my shop, I’ll give you a discount.” And so, a relation of trust was established. The day continued by him working at the Eatery. He pestered the chef about all sorts of questions. The man was forced into answering and demonstrating the boy’s answers.

The evening drew close, “-welcome,” said Igna mounting the front.

“Hello, roommate,” said Anna, “-I’ve brought some friends.”


“Take a seat then,” he led them to a slightly larger table.

“Igna, I didn’t know you were working here,” inquired Lampard.

“It’s you,” voiced Frost, “-the pretty boy who helped us win the fight earlier. Man, I’m confused why you didn’t join the adventuring guild.”

“Not my intent really,” a saddened half-smile towards Jen and Rena quieted the atmosphere, “-I’ve only really trained to use a knife for cutting vegetables.”

“It’s a shame,” spoke the silent Cole, “-having a party-leader like you might make the difference. I mean, we were all stranded and left to the monster’s mercy. If not for the courage you showed, we’d have been dead.”

“No need to flatter me,” he remained stoic, “-anyway, welcome to Kord’s eatery. What would you like?”

“Today’s special,” voiced Anna. Everyone followed suit.

“Alright,” he made for the kitchen, the chosen eight of before conversed. Many were focused on how to fight monsters, what strategies to adopt, and such. Jen and Leonard flirted away from prying eyes. Anna could but tease the love-filled girl.

“Igna, get to cooking,” shouted the loud owner.

“Alright,” bandana wrapped, his domain stirred in a pot.

“Guys, guys,” voiced Anna, “-look, he’s going to change.”

“Change, what is he, a monster?” asked Frost in jest.

“You could say so.” Knife aimed and ready, the eatery fell silent. It had been two days at most. Words went around fast. The arrival of a beast garnered more publicity than any other campaign. Kord turned the boy’s cooking style into a performance, and he didn’t mind for it was his way of finding answers.

“The explosive taste, I can’t wait to taste more.” Compliments filled the murmurs.

“Lampard, weren’t you roommates with him, what happened?”

“Frost, please, don’t ask such obviously intrusive questions,” objected Anna.

“I don’t mean to hide anything. Group C had a fallen out, he went his way and us our own.”

“He’s my roommate now,” added Anna, “-don’t get any wrong ideas,” she said in jest, “-I don’t care what bad blood you share, as far as I’ve seen, he’s a well-mannered gentleman who doesn’t bear any ill-thoughts at me or any other.”

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