The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 289

“Leper I presume?” turning to the chef.

“Yes, your grace,” he bowed wholeheartedly, “-how may I be of service?”

“Raise thine head,” spoken in a casual tone, Leper’s nervous aura diminished, “-I’m here as Guild Master and not king. Could you please guide me to where the adventurers are seated?”

“With pleasure,” relieved, “-Cookie, come here,” Leper waved to a short girl, “-could you kindly escort his majesty?”

“Yes sir,” turning to Staxius, “-please, this way,” she pointed to the front.

“Don’t mind my asking,” spoken politely, “-is it normal for maids to have a nickname. I’m assuming that Cookie isn’t your real name?”


“...” no response.

“Hello?” she stopped in the middle, “-have I disrespected thy in some way?” asked with a concerned tone, “-Cookie?”

“SORRY,” feeling a quick tap on her back, she jumped, “-I spaced out,” turning, “-sorry, sorry, sorry,” making a scene, Staxius turned to Leper who furiously bit his nails. The customers all stared as she kept on apologizing, murmurs filled the room – left hanging, the maids stared with not so pleasant looks.

“Calm down,” whispered, “-don’t attract too much attention,” soft yet deadly, Staxius’s gaze sufficed.

“I’m sorry,” eyes wide open, she turned and increased her pace, twin-ponytails swayed from left to right – the adventurers came in view. “H-here you are,” platter close to her chest, she ran, leaving him with the well-built Dwarves, elves, and beastmen.

“Majesty,” knelt, “-it’s a pleasure to have thy grace our presence,” voiced an elf.

“Thanks for having answered the quest,” peering over them, a tall figure, “-kindly raise thine heads. We’re comrades, I’ve come as Guild master and not king – do feel at ease. Nervousness will but make us on the edge which ultimately leads to pressure. The latter, as you all know, is a death sentence for warriors sworn to protect.”

“Yes, sire,” hearing wise words, all stood in multiples of five at the far end of the room. Many guests gave side-glances, not to mention Cookie who got yelled in the background, ‘-it’s the best I’m going to get,’ thought Staxius as the details of the quest were readied.

“Good,” clearing his throat, “-as you know, today’s quest might seem simple. However, it’s not, the guard details are essential in the success of today’s event. Fruitful relations with Oxshield depend on what happens here and now. The duties assigned to all of you here is to first and foremost, the protection of the visitors and traders from Rogues and thieves. Second, to keep an eye out for a monster or anything remotely harmful to a living being. Thirdly, patrols – the people assigned will be decided at the Military camp. Last but not least, to assist in any way – whether human or nonhuman, you’re going to help whoever requires it,” emphasis placed on the last order, the adventurers gulped as the pressure gave off was immense, with a pause to catch his breath, staring each warrior, “-as guild master, there’s one thing I want you all to remember. Be mindful and courteous to others. The time might come when a random act of kindness could bring fortune. Ideals aside, check-in with Commander Triste for queries. You are all under his command.”

“Yes, sire,” they saluted.

“If I may speak,” voiced a beastmen at the back of the line.


“What will you be doing, majesty?”

“I have plans to stay until the representatives meet one another. Ensuring that said process goes smoothly is a personal task,” eyeing the beastman, “-does that answer thine question?”


“I’ll take my leave, report to Triste as soon as possible, the ceremony is set in two hours,” taking a sharp left, he walked. Outside, people were seen placing their heads against the window; the news that Staxius was in town spread. Many wanted to catch a glimpse of the King. From the Ardanian capital, many bards spread the fables of Staxius the Crimson King, around the province. Tales that hailed from Oxshield – many of his adventuring feats were made public. The opening of a guild to save the people from monsters was the most prominent, a savior was what the villagers viewed him as.

“M-majesty,” in came Leper with a distressed expression, the smell of meat being burnt spread from under the door, “-I apologize for Cookie’s sudden change of persona. She’s usually calm and composed around people, not to mention those who are of high status and prestige. Her manners are worthy of a maid in the palace, or so was what she said,” glaring her in the face, the owner seemed to be having a heart attack.

“Is that how she managed to get employed at your establishment?” asked then turning to Cookie, her gaze befell the floor. Bunny ears slumped; her posture seemed disingenuous.

“Yes, she recounts the tails of serving the Blood-king, more than a few times during the week. Her stories go as follows, ‘-I saved the blood-king from burning to a fiery crisp by using water magic,’ a rough and not thought out excerpt.

“Is that so,” turning to the girl, “-you’ve saved me from a fiery crisp?” he laughed with loudness. *Death Element: Hand of God,* significantly less potent than before due to the D E A T H gate, “-how dares a weakling like thee say she has protected me,” instantly, a gust of nauseating aura spread throughout the inn, the girl hit the floor harshly. Her arms and legs slowly moved further from one another; a not so dignified posture. “Leper, you should be mindful of liars,” he turned to the owner, “-I’ve never come across her,” eyes fueled with hate, the maids jumped in to try and save their friends.

“Spreading lies about the royal name is a crime worthy of death,” stood close to her head, the scary nature was made obvious for all to see. Standing to try and save the girl, the adventurers rushed in, *Death Element: Magical Barrier,* closed off none could enter the bubble of protection.

“Please majesty, let her go, the girl has a reason, I’m sure of it,” begged the adventurers.

“You dare question me?” turning to the warriors, “-justice starts with oneself. A lie, whether good or bad, is still a lie. What would you call a man who kills; a murderer. Now then, what would you call a man who kills evil people, the same; a murderer. However, a murderer who is given right to slay for he follows a path deemed to be righteous. Nonetheless, killing and lying, it’s all the same,” turning to the girl, “-you said you protected me from a fiery death and were a maid employed by the royal family,” *Dispel,* the heavy aura lifted, a sigh of relief echoed through the room. “I’ll give you a chance, do you wish to become the personification of the lies you’ve told?”

In tears,”-y-yes,” she sat up straight.

“Go to the guild, become an adventurer,” holding out a hand, “-reach the rank of Tier 4 Bronze. Manage that and I promise to hire thy as my maid.”

“Really?” asked in a shaky tone, the guests inside and out, were baffled. Emerald rank adventurers, thirty of them, could but stare helplessly as a single barrier was conjured. Through their eyes, no spells were cast, only an upset stomach and feeling of drowsiness. A show of power and compassion, ‘-that should handle the public image,’ thought Staxius. A piece of drama straight out of a book. One where the hero must not allow liars to be set free, and one where the hero must always help people in need. A paradox, showing strength and a strong sense of ideals paired with the acceptance of people making mistakes – the first impression the King made in town Eden was extraordinary.

“Long live the king,” cheered Leper, the maids who viewed him with bad eye could but bow respectfully.

“Long live the king,” it resonated inside and out.

“Make it to bronze then come by the adventuring guild. Tis thy chance to become a woman of thine words,” reaching for the door handle, the people admired with smiles. Sprouting wings, he flew towards the sun, the glare it left made it seem as if an angel had descended onto the mortal plane.

“Manipulating people again?” asked Adete, the military camp soon came in view.

“What do you expect,” asked rhetorically, “-that was the perfect opportunity to show the people what King they have. Being viewed in a good light, obviously, I did sway the opinions to get the results I want. Words have power on their own, pair them with actions and it’s simple – go with what they think is right. Manifest their ideals, and they’re sure to follow. I figured by how the populous lived, with a small glimpse I got at a picture book a little girl read – the fascination with Heroes and Justice.

“You sure are shrewd,” landing on Haru’s shop, a good overview of the coming events, the water’s flowing melody hampered by the chattiness of loud merchants and haggling housewives. ‘I need to meet up with Pegasus,’ a flap later, entering the human district. ‘That should be Eden’s Inn,’ closest to the town entrance, he landed without being noticed.

“Good morning,” said the inn-lady as the twinkling of bells signaled a new guest.

“Good morning,” replied courteously with a smile, Staxius gave a good impression.

“How may I help?” she asked with an apron on.

“I heard that Pegasus was staying,” waiting for a response, she smiled.

“You must be the guild master of Arda?” she asked, “-they did say someone would come. It’s on the first floor, the second room to the left,” pointing with a smile, she returned to preparing snacks.

‘Pegasus’s main team,’ focused, *Knock, knock.*

“Enter,” a deep voice yelled.

“Pardon the intrusion,” entering with a strong aura, “-Pegasus?” seeing six people sat on the bed opposite one another, he waited.

“Yes, and you might be?” stood the strongest looking man out of the bunch.

??Guild Master of Arda, or as better known in the capital, Xenos of Kniq,” introduced, their faces changed.

“The man who defeated Guild Master Raulf Serlo, else known as the Divine blade, the strongest swordsman in Hidros,” standing up, a man with a hat, a loosely fitted jacket and two pistols on the hip. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, I’m Arthur Ragenald, Leader of Pegasus.”

“I’m Beth,” voiced a lady in light-silver armor with a sword. Short hair as to not be of hassle, her eyes were stern and unforgiving, “-Vice leader of Pegasus.”

“Kyjol, mage graduating of the Order,” bowed a young-looking boy, innocent face, a wand and book in hand, presumably a grimoire.

“Ray, marksman of the special recon unit,” saluted one with a camouflaged styled uniform. A scar on the chin, with sun-glasses and bald-cut.

“Mitio,” said a figure concealed in black from head to toe.

“Feldo, a warrior,?? proudly tapping his chest, the big fighter who spoke first, black and red armor with a battle-ax.

“Before we continue,” interjected Beth, “-I’d like for us all to reveal our rankings. It’s better to get that information out of the way,” a good point. With a smirk, she stared Arthur.

“Fine,” with a deep breath, “-I’m Tier-two Gold. Beth is Tier-three Silver. Kyjol, Tier-four Bronze. Ray, Tier-three Silver. Mitio, Tier-five Ruby. Feldo, Tier-four Bronze, that should be all of it,” pointing to Staxius, “-yours?”

‘I see,’ he smiled, ‘-showing off rankings is a way of establishing a hierarchy. I guess the news of my rank hasn’t reached many ears yet.’ Stepping forward, “-Xenos, Tier-one Platinum,” pulling out the guild master’s card, “-here,” a hologram showed the name Staxius Haggard with ranks and titles.

“I see,” smirks wiped off their faces, “-the first platinum ranked adventurer,” Beth shook her head. “You don’t seem that imposing, did the guild master and princess make a mistake or what?”

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