The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 247

Before it all began, in the company of Ruslan and Serene who reminisced about where she grew, they strolled around. The décor, minimalistic yet elegant; Balthazar vanished the moment he entered earlier. Aurora, on the other hand, got dressed for the occasion.

“Lord Ruslan,” a butler with spotted black ears called, “-the guests are due to arrive in the coming minutes. Master Balthazar said to stand at the door with Serene and Staxius,” a demi-human, out of all the races – they were less likely to be targeted. Their kind has always been the weaker out of the alliance – consequently, nightwalkers were the strongest. The weak working for the strong and the strong providing for the weak. Tis was the arrangement, the butler seemed to enjoy his life; what could one need more.

“With pleasure, do tell Lord Balthazar to get Aurora readied,” Ruslan sent off the messenger.

“You seem quite accepting of demi-humans,” Staxius said having observed the little interaction.

“We’re not that heartless,” he paused unnaturally as if the words were jumbled up, “-let me rephrase, we are heartless as well as accepting of other races,” he headed for the door.

“It’s true,” Serene voiced after Staxius glared with skepticism.


“What’s the sudden outburst for,” the tone changed to one baffled, “-all I did was take a glance,” he sighed.

“Yes, a glance that could trigger a blizzard,” she voiced with a sigh of her own.

“Could you both stop sighing,” Ruslan voiced in a harsh tone, the sighing grew out of hand.

Now stood on the right side from where the guest would enter. In a line separate from butlers and maid, they waited for guests. “Is there something peculiar I must do?” he asked after the sound of hooves clopping on the stone bricked path echoed.

“Not really, just greet them as you would any noble,” Ruslan replied after which neighs followed. The first to arrive in a black and red carriage on which had the crest of fangs with a drop of blood.

“That’s the Onyx’s clan,” Serene whispered and stood in line, her attitude changed to one respectful.

“Greetings Lord Eoin,” a man dressed formally with shortened black hair and circular glasses. One who seemed to have a refinement the same as well-aged wine.

“Greetings Ruslan,” he spoke with delight and entered with the company of two ladies and three gentlemen. ‘Judging by their attire, nobility, lower – probably above the title of Baron and below Count,’ Staxius made a mental note of all who walked in.

“Who might this dashing young man be?” Eoin turned his attention to Staxius, “-you seem rather elegant for someone I know not,” the gaze went up and down in a flirtatious manner.

“The same could be said about you, Lord Eoin. If I may be so bold, I’d go as far as say that thou embody the truest sense of the word refine,” Staxius said with a dignified tone and unfaltering posture.

“A sharp tongue to boot,” he grew closer, “-I’d like to know more about you,” another step back – he went further inside. The nobles behind exchanged a few words of their own then followed suit, on the way inside, Serene and the Lord stared one another closely.

“Eccentric,” Staxius mumbled after it returned to them three again.

“That’s Lord Eoin for you, quite a pleasurable fellow to have a friend and a relentless bloodsucker. That man’s thirst has never been quenched,” a quick summary given by Ruslan, “-majesty, you sure know your way around with words and tone,” impressed by how the situation was handled he could but give a compliment.

“It’s not that difficult, vampire or not, every conscious mind has a faint weakness when it comes to interaction with another being. Finding said thread and pulling on it can end in many different results,” interrupted by other carriages, he stared out the door eager to know who had come.

“Ruslan,” as opposed to a gown, a lady approached wearing a suit. The crest on the carriage was one of a sword covered with blood. Around her waist, a white and silvery scabbard.

“Lady Fawn,” the same empty exchange and compliments. Though, her voice was sharp and strong – very much different from Eoin.

“Staxius Haggard,” she took a strong step towards him, “-I heard many things from the shadows,” she glared. ‘Intimidation I assume,’ he thought.

“I’ve also heard many things about you, Lady Fawn,” the stance remained strong and stern, a direct confrontation, “-a strong swordswoman,” with a tap, Orenmir appeared, “-I’d like to cross swords with you sometime my lady, for the clashing of blades is the best way to know our opponent’s soul.”

“None could have said it any wiser,” she stepped back and kept the strong face, “-well met, Staxius, well met. I shall hope that thy soul is as strong as thy aura,” on that, she headed inside followed by seven nobles, all women with swords and weapons.

“Are you insane?” called Serene, “-that could have ended badly,” her concerns were well-grounded.

“May I ask how you knew she was a good swordsman?” Ruslan asked.

“I lied, anyone who carries a sword must be confident in their ability,” on that, the last carriage arrived. One not that impressive for it was Gabrielle, leader of Lié par le Sang Clan. Her crest, a dead tree with no leaves.

“Majesty, Ruslan, what are you both doing here?” her speech seemed shy and not that powerful. Being in the Ardanian council, she knew who stood before her. In the transition to making a courteous bow, “-Lady Izora,” he interjected. “There’s no need to lower thyself here. I’m but a visiting guest, not the king of Arda but a fellow nightwalker,” her stance seemed fatigued, almost fragile. Black hair ending with white, dark circles under her eyes and a frown that could barely make a smile – the representative stood with none behind her.

“I see,” she stared up weakly, “-thanks for that,” her rather slumped posture headed upstairs.

“That should be it for everyone that is of consequence. Other nobles might come; however, we need not worry about them,” Ruslan returned. The three powerhouses were present. Stood in different corners with their own group, the hall divided quickly. It seemed most of the men didn’t want to approach the Sabbath clan. Onyx was a little weird for they all remained at the table sipping blood. The majority were closed in on Balthazar and Aurora.

“This should be interesting,” Serene voice, she stood beside Staxius at the farthest corner in the back of the room.

“It might not seem like it but there’s a definite quandary here. The clans aren’t united in the least. The leaders haven’t once dared speak, much less stare at one another. From what I can see, Gabrielle is alienated from the rest. Lady Fawn has been trying to approach Lord Balthazar for the past few minutes now, her face seems flushed.”

“Well they did have a private relation going a few decades ago,” Serene added.

“Yes, something about that was said earlier on,” the scan continued, “-is it me or does Eoin act eccentrically to push people away from the real agendas he might have?”

“Who’s to say really,” Adete came forth, “-sleeping in the back pocket sure is inconvenient,” now stood on his shoulder, the two watched.

“Who might you be?” Serene asked.

“I’m Adete, this man’s precious lover,” she added in jest.

“Lover, it could be farther from the truth, first progenitor,” he fired back sarcastically.

“Yes, I am the first progenitor,” her head held high, “-bow before me, you who have inherited my blood,” she said for the jest continued.

“May I have your attention please,” a butler spoke loudly, the little back and forth ended. “-Lord Balthazar wishes to have a word,” on that, the nobles moved in closer to the front of the room. A little podium had been built expressly for today.

“It begins,” Staxius followed, “-and remember, Serene, no trouble. Once this whole thing is over, you’ll be free to do what you want.”

“I know majesty, I serve the royal family, do have a little faith,” her tone seemed tired.

“First and foremost, I’d like to thank you all for coming on so short notice,” he took center stage, “-today is an auspicious day. Long has it been I’ve ruled over this city we’ve built. A community where the four clans reign supreme. As time flows, the world around us age, but we, immortal beings, never seem to age. We’re stuck, a relic of the past, one may relish the thought while another might hate its implication. The fact remains that time has relinquished its grip over our bodies and mind. The body might not have changed, but the mind sure has grown tired. My goal, as the holder of the first progenitor’s blood, was to always carry out her will. Said task has been accomplished,” he called onto Aurora. “-my purpose as the leader of the Nox’s clan is complete,” another ring, one made of a crimson and dark color on which their crest lived – was taken off. “Aurora from today forth will become the rightful successor of the Nox’s clan,” a succession that happened without anyone knowing. It came out of the blue, a smart move considering the possible risk of an uprising if it had been announced.

A wave of shock and confusion rattled the crowd, though none dared to speak.

“I, Aurora Balthazar, solemnly swore to uphold my duty as the leader of the Nox’s clan,” the ring handed over, nothing could be done – in that instant, the power shifted.

*Clap, clap, clap,* slow applause from a single man, Alaric Eoin. “That sure was a smart move from you, Lord Balthazar,” he moved closer, “-a succession that came almost without our knowing,” the face held a smirk. “You must have known, the moment you stepped off from the seat of power, another clan would come forth to take its place. Survival of the fittest, the strongest is he who deserves to lead us,” a speech that echoed into everyone’s heart.

“Alaric,” Fawn moved in and stood between the two clans, “-dare to make a move onto Aurora and I’ll have thy head onto a stick laid out for all to see,” her aura, murderous and unforgiving.

“Fawn, my dear Fawn, isn’t it a bit too much. A holding passion for that man who killed and his own kin and alienated his own blood for the sake of a personal agenda,” footsteps echoed, “-Serene Balthazar is the worthy successor, not a pretender.”

‘Did he just say Serene,’ in that instant, the girl vanished. She stood near Alaric, ‘-that wink they gave to one another earlier. It must have been long time coming. Don’t tell me that she plotted with them before,’ flash images rushed the mind. ‘It’s obvious that she knew. The fight against me was to check if I truly inherited the first progenitors’ blood. Sending messages back and forth, she knew what was to happen as an inside man,’ he glared towards where the commotion happened. What awaited was a smirk and a wink, she had outplayed him without even realizing the underlying truth.

“Lord Balthazar, you have grown dull,” Serene spoke out, “-I’m the true heir to the Nox’s clan. Aurora would have been but a figurehead. Listen to me all, he planned to bow down to – *SLASH.*

“AHHHHHH,” screams echoed all round the hall.

“I hate when people lie to me,” a sword pierced straight through Serene’s stomach, “-you should have known better,” he whispered, “-I care not who anyone is, lie to me and I swear I’ll end thine life,” a downward slash opened her body.

“WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU FOOL,” Alaric summoned his wing and rushed forth with claws, *Slash,* both hands cut off the moment he tried to grab Staxius’s back.

“Survival of the fittest was it?” he spoke in a monotonous voice, Alaric fell to the floor, “-are you the next to stand in my way?” a dark aura went around the room, more than chills, the nobles were glued to their feet. Even Sabbath couldn’t move. Blade pointed at Alaric’s neck with Serene bleeding on the floor, *snap,* the void flame conjured after which her body turned to dust.

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