The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 228

‘Now that’s taken care of,’ sat on the main balcony, the All-seeing eye was used. The search for the three targets assigned to be exterminated began. A photo on which had a faint trace of their mana – the process would take hours, if not days. Nevertheless, with the information gathered, it limited the search range to a few villages and towns.

At the same time, far from the capital, Kniq headed to Riverwood. It would take another five to six hours to reach. The escorted sat in the middle of Deadeyes and Avon. The other agenda was kept hidden for it was a request by the Alchemist sect.

“Are we here yet?” covered by a black cloak, two individuals stood near the entrance of the capital. An entry fee and clearance were done by the Royal Guards with the assistance of Adventurers.

“We should be there soon,” led upfront, a girl that looked to be in her early twenties, her long black hair flowed with the wind that came from the right. Dark eyes, red lips, a nose-piercing, her tone dignified and menacing at the same time.

“Ten coppers per person,” a guard hailed, behind, another batch came to inspect their bags. A quick little check, the capital was lenient to what a person was allowed to bring. However, if things seemed too suspicious and could cause major harm, the order to subjugate said person was given.

“Here,” she handed over the coins and both were allowed entry.


“Listen up Aiden,” now past through the gates, she stopped. “Lord Desmond gave us a job to accomplish. Though I hate working with a dragonkin – orders are orders,” she held a keychain, “-the man we’re looking for goes by the nickname Shadow. We don’t have any information apart from this picture,” a faint shot of a man wearing half a mask.

“You have a plan?” still holding a grudge, Aiden reluctantly asked.

“Yes,” she paused and scanned the area, “-we’ll target the Dark-guild. Since its war between us with the Syndicate as back-up, we’re in the clear. Sooner or later, Shadow will have to come out if we cause enough of a mess. The first targets will be their low-ranking members, dealers and such,” after which, a list got handed over, “-it contains information about the members we know are in the DG. I’ll take half and you take the other. The mission starts tonight,” the walk resumed.

“Would this not have been safer to have this talk in private?”

“One might think that, however,” her eyes filled with killing intent, “-the walls have ears. Best be in public were all is chaotic.”

“As you wish,” he held and watched the list closely. ‘People to kill, how joyous.’

Dusk came faster than usual, the search ended with positive results. The three targets were found, ‘turns out they never left the capital. Hiding where the DG is most active, talk about being bold. It’s the last place one might think to look – these guys sure are witty.’

“Auic,” he called whilst walking down the stairs.

“Yes?” she yelled.

“Take care of Lizzie and Axius, I have an errand to run.”

“With pleasure, do be safe out there,” she yelled from across the kitchen.

“It’s time,” Adete added playfully. The use of Void when carrying out jobs for the DG might cause a problem later in the future. Though he loved to drive around in that car, it was time to find another means of transport. One small and easy to travel in, with those thoughts, Cake came into mind. A phone call later, the strategist agreed to lend her motorbike.

“Since I’m stuck at home; you can have it till this whole war behind the scenes is over.”

“Thanks for the help,” he teleported inside her apartment. Startled, the keys were handed over – a roar later, the bike headed out. ‘Should be fine, it may be expensive and ludicrously fast – the black color and common design will put people off my trail. There are others out in the continent with the same machine. If they were to trace back the bike, it would lead to Cake – who in the public’s eye is a good citizen,’ the agility and maneuverability made driving through streets and dodging traffic easier than before. He went twice as fast as he would when using Void.

Mask on the face, Tharis holstered inside a plain jacket with Orenmir concealed on the belt, the bike came to a stop. Nothing but darkness, the building had shattered windows and broken-down doors. Moans and screams could be heard faintly coming off the few lights turned on. The foul smell of the sewers grew more apparent. Parked in front of a tight alleyway that led into an unknown area, Staxius walked. Laid on the ground, bodies, none could say if they were alive or passed out drunk. Above, on the electric lines, crows eyed down viciously.

The more steps taken, the warmer the light grew. Murmurs and whispers turned audible. A caravan with three individuals sat under the starry night had beers and a nice chat. In the corner, a few corpses of what appeared to be young boys and girls – the walls were smeared with the latter’s blood and organs. It didn’t take long to make a mental map of what had happened. Those children were probably orphans; killed in cold blood out of ire. Staring at that sight, he felt nothing. The lifeless bodies had flies and insects coming out of the skin – nothing.

“We should have thrown the corpse in the drain,” one of the men added.

“Nah, it would have been too much of a hassle,” another one replied.

“Just look at the wall, it’s a work of art, don’t you think?” the last one chuckled. “Pitiful creatures, they came looking for food and found the ultimate salvation,” the feet rested atop a decapitated head, one of a girl who was aged around the same as Lizzie. Her lips kept a smile despite the pale and broken-down skin.

“Nah you’re just a monster,” the rest laughed as if it was the funniest joke to ever be said. “In any case, we sure have cleaned up this area pretty well. Shooting those orphans was fun.”

“Talk about being merciless,” Adete whispered.

*Blood-Arts: Bloody Mary,* “get ready,” the entire aura around him changed – dark, vile, and heavy, the murderous demon oozed out every pore. Imagine that instead of the girl, it could have been Lizzie who was used as a foot-rest, the emotions remained neutral. That didn’t stand true for the killer.

Tharis in hand, he walked, “-a work of art,” the gaze without pity, *Normal Aspect,* three gunshots later, the targets fell to the floor. The aim was at their legs. Normal Aspect was a skill imbedded in Tharis, as opposed to channel his mana and spell into the gun’s bullet, the Normal Aspect used the mana around the host to conjure forth weaker bullets. Ones without any special traits.

“Who the fuck are you?” they yelled.

“Shadow,” the reply cold, grabbing forks on the ground, he stabbed their tongues to their palates, “I’d have given a fast and easy death,” he stared at the decapitated head, “-sadly, seeing this work of art makes me want to create my masterpiece.” Tharis got holstered, *-tap,* Orenmir broke out the concealment spell. The moment it unsheathed, the screaming souls of so many that came before raged out, “-eat your fill, my sword,” not wanting to get involved, the cursed souls lashed out at the three who were unable to speak. The damage was more excruciating than normal attacks for it targeted the individual’s soul and mana. In addition to that, the low damage proved to be another unexpected boon.

Left unsheathed and hanging off his belt, the spirits tormented and tortured the targets in his stead. They screamed and tried to get away, *Death Element: Unleash Aura,* in no way could normal people get out of this trap. Death by a thousand cuts – uninterested to watch the torture, the attention turned to the lifeless bodies. “Guess this is how life is meant to be,” he faced corpses with the cries for help behind, “-Survival of the fittest. You might have lived a better life if things were different,” the eyes closed, “-souls who’ve been lost and are bound to this world for perpetual suffering, heed my call. I, heir to the god of death, grant thee salvation. Follow mine voice, tis the place where the dead are reborn, tis the place where wrongdoers are to be purged – in my name, those who are to be judged, will be judged, and those who are to be saved, will be saved.” The voice changed into one deeper, two orbs manifested, one of a golden color hovered over the right hand while the other of which had a dark-crimson hue on the left hand. “To be purged or to be saved, I shall stand as the judge,” the atmosphere grew nauseating and dense. The wandering souls of the fallen came forth, mainly the children who were saved. Each walked conscious but semi-transparent, the sight of the people who did them harm placed a smile.

The golden orb lit each time one of those children walked, Staxius decided to grant something only the god of death could offer, a peaceful death. Smiles paired with tears; the orphans headed for the golden light, the a path to the hall of rebirth. Concurrently, on the left hand, souls of those who had done wrong were sent to the purgatory. A person’s action was judged not on the life he lived, but on the way the soul reflected on its action. A crack echoed down the alley; the three targets died. Their souls shot out and tried to force their way into the golden light, “Eternal suffering is what awaits those who I deem unworthy. Hate me, fear me, thank me, I care not for tis my purpose. Hell awaits, the prison from where I draw my strength.” The orbs vanished; the heavy atmosphere dropped. Orenmir who was left unsheathed, returned from whence it came. The three souls got send to hell.

“So that’s the power of the god of death,” Adete commended whilst holding a big crimson crystal.

“I know not how to reply to that. Those events were beyond my control – it was as if a warmth came from within – my mind said but one thing; save those who were wronged.” *Snap,* the bodies turned to ashes. “Were you able to get enough?” he referred to the blood.

“More than enough, the darker the blood, the stronger we’ll get,” she began eating.

“In that case,” as promised, the three heads – drained of their blood, were cut and placed in a black bag. The bike turned on and they rushed through the night till arriving at the bar.

“Hello Jason,” a figure walked in from the entrance.

“Shadow,” he replied with a smile, “-it’s a pleasure,” the smile turned into a smirk.

“Here’s a parting gift,” placed onto the table, three heads, “-do deliver it to Godfather Stanley, compliments from Shadow,” with a wink – the figure vanished into the darkness.

“HA-HA-HA,” no longer could he keep from laughing. Serving the heads on a platter, Staxius took the words to heart.

“Another job well done,” Adete voiced, the stomach now filled, she slept. The bike continued to head for the noble district. Cake sent a message saying to keep it for it would be inefficient to return said machine after each job. Mask now kept away, they stood before the gate. Warm light came from inside, Auic, Axius, and Lizzie waited with open arms. “I’m back home, everyone,” he walked in after parking the bike.

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