The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 58

“And this is why you must train hard to be able to participate in the inter-magical tournament.” Josiah’s long dialogue ended. Eira was nowhere to be seen; instead of getting mad – he shrugged and went back to his office. Preparation for Eira’s rank assignment became a priority, after all, she defeated four S-ranked Mechs. It was obvious that she was going to join the top-class in the first year, which is A-rank. However, her display of strength had shown that she’s way above the first years in terms of mastery and power. It surpassed the second and third years but putting her in fourth year which is basically trainee-battle mages wasn’t an option. She had talent, and had the strength to back it up; only way she could reach her true potential was to train under a mage and becoming an apprentice. However, since the war ended; most mages were sent back to the main continent as ordered by the Order.

Josiah now sat inside his office; his chair faced away from the desk. It was unusual, normally he would be head’s deep into work: signing, reading, writing, and disapproving projects proposed by instructors and students alike. “Eira’s results far exceeds anything I had hoped. You truly are Staxius’s prodigy. I’m growing old now, my family, my daughters have now been married to dukes and princes. I’ve lived a fulfilling life. Sadly, I regret not having an heir to pass down the knowledge I’ve acquired as a fellow sorcerer. I may be retired now, but I was once someone powerful. The arcane holds no mystery to me and I wish to give someone this gift; someone worthy, someone whose conviction is never changing.” As he reflected; an image appeared from seemingly nowhere, it was Eira’s. “Is that so? Very well.” He spoke. “-someone worthy has indeed appeared, Eira Haggard, I’ve decided to make you my apprentice. This is the only way I can atone for deceiving my niece and nephew so long ago.”

Meanwhile, directly opposite her, Staxius awoke. Time was now noon, the same time Eira won her first battle. A feeling of burning came from within; this, in turn, broke his slumber. The eyes desperately tried to focus, however, the blinding sunlight had made said task harder. It squinted, not wanting to open, the battle to wake up was one hard-fought. In the end, Staxius won.

“Status update, Void.” He ordered as his window rolled down. Outside, the noble district was insight. The ground leading there was much better compared to the whole of Dorchester. The path was made of stone bricks arranged meticulously. Along the edges, grass, and trees. Plants actually grew here, the soil seemed healthy for you see, grass and other plants grew around the town. The scenery changed, from a desert to this town which looked like an oasis. Oxshield’s border was close, but a ravine separated both provinces. The town itself now was distinguishable. The tallest building present at first glance was the church, or what appeared like it; surely it was a church for the Krestonian holy crest overlooked everything. The district was surrounded by a mild high stone wall that looked extravagant. The wall surrounding this place was probably worth more than castle Garsley’s weekly cost. The craftsmanship was to intricate for an accurate description. Each stone brick was perfectly placed, like a giant puzzle made of millions of pieces, each different yet placed harmoniously to give out a design that signaled nobility. The stone path led up to the iron gates, in which the noble crest of each inhabitant was engraved atop. Said gate remained closed. As he examined everything about such a magnificent place, the status report was complete.

“Status report; nothing out of the ordinary. A mild fluctuation in mana has been detected coming from within the town; mana’s identity and type are unknown for even I. Also, there is a faint trace of mana being used for healing purposes detected, the user is at his limits. Only a few hours remain before said mage’s mana is emptied. Threat level E-rank.”

“Void, you’re amazing.” Staxius’s eyes gleamed with astonishment and pride.

“I do as I’m told, master, there’s nothing impressive about it. Or rather, I should say, I’m impressed by your strength, something so potent and dense in a human’s body – you make me look like an ant as opposed to you, an elephant.”


“Don’t flatter me that much, you see, an ant can take down an elephant – hence, overestimating or underestimating your opponent is never a good idea. It makes you subconsciously lower your guard if you underestimate the enemy. Or makes you frightened if you overestimate said adversary. You have an auto-drive function, right?”

“Yes, and how may I be of further service?”

“I do wonder. If you can use magic, and if you’re a spirit as you say you are, can’t we form a bond?”

“I’m afraid not, master, for you see, my soul and spirit have been emptied and trapped inside this vehicle. Forming a blood contract isn’t possible – hence I require your mana to survive.”

“You say your soul is trapped. Do you wish to be free?” Staxius asked seriously, his mind had come up with an unusual plan.

“Yes, I want to be free from this vehicle but it will serve no purpose if I’m set free. The car might never work again.”

“Is that only it? You worry about the car not working; foolish spirit, I care not for such a piece of junk. As expensive and valuable as you are, your soul is worth far more to me.” The eyes turned blank; he had decided to set the spirit free.

“Void’s spirit is bounded to the car, it’s under a strong imprisonment spell covered by other seals.

The scholar really did a number on Void, to restrain it so much must mean his powerful. Void did say, his soul has been emptied and trapped, didn’t he? I got it, its simple, scholars, you can’t beat me yet.” A memory was triggered; the hall of rebirth, the first time he was transported there. Undrar held the answer to this quandary.

“Undrar…” he tried calling her over the telepathic link they held since the adventure began. A few tries later, “-what is it?” she replied annoyingly.

“Someone’s frustrated now isn’t she.”

“Why have you used the telepathic link, I’m in the middle of answering mother nature’s call, can’t you be any more discrete.” She fired back with her cheeks red.

“I apologize for interrupting, but I need your help.”

Desperate, Undrar crossed her legs and gritted her teeth; she didn’t want to make any noise even though Staxius couldn’t hear anything. “Go ahead, speak.” Her eyes grew wide open, she now bit her lips.

“Remember the first time I called out and asked for someone to take me to my master, the death reaper?”

“Yes, and what of it.” Her speech grew in speed.

“You extracted my soul and…” Staxius knew what was going on, instead of going faster, he began

to speak slowly and paused. He wanted to see Undrar suffer, playfully of course.


“I do wish I could see your face, but here, let me help, psssss.” Hearing that noise, she broke, her eyes relaxed, her whole body in fact. She couldn’t hold it any longer.

“You disgusting little…” Staxius changed his tone, he toyed with her further.

“Honestly, why don’t you crawl up a wall and let me smash you with my heels.” Her tone filled with anger. “Whatever, what do you really want?” she laughed instead, Staxius had always been like this; things never change, it brought a smile on her face.

“Alright, back to my question. Remember when you extracted my soul?”

“Yes, I do, and what of it?”

“Well, is there a way I can do it? I have to free a spirit bound by soul as well as seals and contracts.”

“I mean, it depends, but breaking seals, contracts and soul bound is normally simple and easy if you’re a high enough mage. No matter how complicated and thick a lock is, if you have something that can melt said lock, it’s straight forward. Your mana and strength act as the heat to melt said chains. And yeah, you can use it, the bringer of death’s specialty. After all, you’re my master, reason goes to show that you can do whatever I can, that’s all. If you want the spell, I’ll recite it directly, just place your hand on whatever you’re trying to set free and repeat after me.” For a moment, Staxius’s mouth began to move independently, something had taken over it. The right palm rested on the dashboard.

*Immortal yet mortal, I, Staxius, master of the bringer of death, order thee to leave thy mortal vessel and follow me, soul-extraction.*

“M-master… w-what h-have y-you done… Error… Spirit h-has b-been u-unbound.” The car’s interior began to heat up. All the notifications began to flicker, it worked. The engine began to scream, it felt as if it was crying out for help, everything felt weird and painful. As the heat grew

unbearable, Staxius jumped through the already opened window. A strange humming grew louder

and louder. Curiosity befell him, instead of helping, he watched as the spirit’s soul got released. A

black mist, as black as the night slowly hovered above the car. It was Void, the spirit had been set free, the mist grew denser; it changed into a cloud. Finally, after a few seconds, the sound grew so

loud, Staxius had to cover up his ears. The same cloud began floating and hovered over to the unsuspecting Staxius. A snap was heard, the car fell silent, the mist disappeared. It morphed into a humanoid shape; a figure stepped out of it.

“Greetings Master,” a young boy appeared. Compared to Staxius, he was short, his hair was long and tied in the same fashion as him; a ponytail. The eyes grey and complexion fair as snow. The hair color was of a light brown shade. The nose small and pointy, he looked more like a girl than a boy, confused; Staxius stared intently.

“P-please, is t-there something wrong?” He asked as the way he moved felt feminine.

“Void, is that you?” Staxius asked eagerly.

“Y-yes,” he shyly looked around trying to avoid Staxius’s gaze.

“God damn it,” Staxius moved closer and patted his head. “-you look more like a girl than a boy, Void. Talk about anticlimactic, I thought you were going to be like some demon, but instead, you look like the kind of boy I must protect; a little brother. Don’t judge a book by its cover.” He shook his head in amusement.

“S-sorry?” he whimpered.

“Stop it,” Staxius chuckled, “-talk about being a powerful spirit.” He laughed out loud.

“B-but I am powerful,” Void pouted, his voice broke. Staxius’s laugh got more intense, he could not believe it, all that talk about not wanting emotions and there he was dying of laughter which was, in fact, an emotion. This man named Staxius Haggard was an enigma even the gods could not solve. “Alright, alright, you’re powerful.” His laughter stopped.

“Void, is that your name or do you have something else?”

“As a spirit, I don’t have a name,” he looked away out of spite and cross the arms defiantly. “Void,

you’re a bundle of joy, aren’t you?” Staxius faced the car.

“How does Avon sound? Much better than Void I’m guessing.” Hearing the name Avon, Void’s eyes sparkled, it had stars running around it. Staxius quickly glimpsed back, saw the eyes, faced away and laughed. He could not believe it; this was the guy named Void; a spirit who was deemed too strong so many seals had to be put in place.

“Avon, can you please check if you can still control the car,” Staxius composed himself.

“On it,” he girlishly ran back and desperately tried to open the door. After trying a couple of times, he gave and slowly stared back at Staxius with puppy eyes. Staxius had enough, it was too much.

Unwilling to give into laughter he looked up and fought against his mouth which began to grin.

“Damn it,” he sighed, a few breaths in, he calmed down.

“I guess your mana is empty,” the door opened.

“Yes, that’s definitely the reason for my lack of strength,” Avon spoke confidently.

“Alright, move along and see if the car works.” Like clockwork, the moment Avon entered the car, it turned on. It was still linked to him; this, in turn, put another question in Staxius’s mind. “Please step out of the car, Avon.” He requested courteously; his personality changed to match Avon’s. “Now what?” Avon asked, confused to why he was standing in the glaring heat.

“Try and start auto-drive,” Staxius asked gently.

“Try what? I should, by all means, be inside for that to work.” He pouted.

“Do it,” unfaltering, Staxius stared out the left window. “-need an invitation?” He added sarcastically.

“Fine,” Avon accepted. Just like Staxius predicted, the car drove forward. “Alright, come in already.” Both Staxius and Avon sat in the hot car, the interior hadn’t cooled down from the earlier spell.

“Any other orders master?”

“Yes, in fact, re-scan the district once more and pin-point me the locations where you sensed the other people’s mana.” Obediently, Avon closed his eyes and scanned the area. As the heat grew uncomfortable once more, Staxius stepped out and continued to eye down the district. There was something strangely appealing coming from the crest on the church. It felt like it was calling out to him, reaching out. It wanted to be acknowledged.

“Scan is complete, please step in for I have got their location right here.”

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