The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 818

‘They never thought of hiding the wires, cutting costs has its disadvantages,’ yonder, immediate at his back, sharp gleams off the scopes fired in his direction. The Gamma unit was ready to shoot.

‘The communication should be cut,’ he thought and continued, farther he got, the harder it grew to spot his outline, and soon enough, the overhanging forestry made an impeccable ceiling.

The nestled compound, at a few yards’ distance, stood covered by a few guards. He closed his eyes, the outlines displayed in weak ambers, ‘-should be time,’ he glanced at his watch, a tracker displayed the bomb’s location over the lens’ interface. Alpha and Beta unit currently moved to surround the settlement where supplies and ammunition were guarded. In a twist of the Alphian weather, clouds of dark disposition moved to shield the moon and stars, another layer of darkness hovered onto the surroundings.

Cargo and people unloaded a small vessel since motherships were massive where only a few designated ports could serve as their hook. Ramps thrown onto the concrete harbor, crates were slid across – in addition to items, a lower ramp extended from the ship’s belly, a dejected crowd of silhouettes made their long climb, scrawny and tall, the lack of food crudely displayed on their necks, cheeks, and limbs, “-move along,” whipped a robed-man, “-damned slaves,” he spat.

Meanwhile, to the left of the ship, various headlights rumbled from stone trails and onto a solid surface, the engines seemed to sigh, the noise faded into a jovial walk.

“Over here,” signaled a man with tablet in hand. The trucks lined one after the other, their backs gave onto an elevated platform, there, the crates were simply pushed into their respective vessel. Amidst the loading and unloading, a surveillance truck, the same Igna and Alio spotted previously, finally made onto the firm ground.


“Here,” said another man in uniform, it pulled to a stop away from the cargo and slaves. Men in imperial uniform stood akin to statues, tall and menacingly waiting for the next order. The higher-ups, despite their better judgment, opted to stay the night board the mothership. Few lanterns worked restlessly to illuminate a vague circle around at their feet.

“Reinforcement’s come,” commented the driver, he had his head on the steering wheel. The rearview mirror gave onto the line of sternly dressed men, he casually rolled his eyes onto the ship, Calums, was painted white over the dark-coat, ‘-why was I sent here,’ he painfully reached inside his shirt, pulled onto a necklace, smiled, ‘-memories,’ he exhaled.

“02 reporting,” thundered across the intercoms, “-we go live in thirty seconds,” all on the general channel received the message. Stress heightened as did focus, Igna kept to his wit, a tap on the concealed sheath brought Orenmir forth. She looked rusty and old for it has been years since he rose to wield her tenacious will. By force of habit, he maintained his fighting form, death and him were comrades, one day or the next, he’d be pushed onto the battlefield. Time slowed, a tick of the second hand resonated in a deep thud.

“Three,” said Claire, “-two,” guns were loaded, the snipers altered targets onto the overwatch, “-one,” reality sunk, *BOOM* a devastating orb of orange, red, yellow, and blue, mixed into a shell of carnage, from trucks to the ground, it took everything – the range amplified to even swallow the ships and cargo-hold – the port was swallowed as well as the surrounding roads and guard posts, the excruciating force blew and flashed the bystanders silently – it took a few seconds for the shockwave to destroy faraway construction.

“Go, go, go,” said both teams.

“Five targets’ down,” reported 03, each party assembled into their private channels, the bodies fell.

“WHAT HAPPENED!” exclaimed the surveillance center.

“No idea, sir, we’ve lost communication with the port,” said a baffled officer, “-our cameras are malfunctioning...”

Outside, the guards cared not for what had happened, rather, they couldn’t care. The tree line blocked the view onto the port. Thuds and screams were commonplace, the snipers had habits of playing jokes. In when the focus should have been their main responsibility, the hectic use of the intercoms proved a curse, “-what are you saying?” one screamed into his earpiece, “-I can’t hear anything...”

Steps shuffled from grass to rocky and finally, gravelly, a bespectacled white-haired man wandered through the gated-cage, gleamed a blade in their direction, “-you don’t have the right to be here,” said another casually trying to make heads or tails of their predicament.

“Wish death my warm welcome,” he swung, never mind the blade making contact, the force alone sufficed to take their heads as well as the concrete wall, ‘-too potent,’ it sheathed. The leather boots clopped along the tiled floor, the inside, a place of research turned a den of prayer and strong belief, robed priest pushed themselves before a statue of their great god, Lucifer, “-take our blood,” murmured many, “-we deserve salvation.”

“Who are you?”

“...” the sight of Lucifer’s visage, ‘-him,’ a bubbling inferno warmed his heart, the very inside of his being lit ablaze, ‘-it was you,’ he gritted, “-LUCIFER!” memories from the days of being Alfred the Curse King intermingled the composed sense of being, “-die.”

There was much to see on the hillside, “-no enemies reported,” said a marksman.

“The bomb sure did a number on the harbor,” said another, “-there’s barely anything left.”

“Don’t matter to us,” said 03, “-any reports on his majesty?” he inquired over the general chat.

“Nothing yet,” reported 02 and 01, “-the settlement’s been claimed. We’re holding northeastern and northwestern paths.”

“Nothing from the mountainside,” added 03. A calm demeanor in wake of the dead left behind, the enemy’s perspective was a sudden blast at the port. Communication to the observatory was interrupted, the lifeline was cut. Fighters fell without ever knowing the location of the shooters, it took a few minutes to claim the stronghold. For a place to store supplies, there wasn’t much reinforcement save on the roads in and out – a reluctance to expand, the subtle fear of an unseen force. Ultimately, it didn’t matter, “-we’ll execute those who’ve surrendered after his majesty gives his orders,” they said. At least fifty men of different age groups were lined in shackles before a brick wall, there were women, though lesser common.

Blood fell from his glasses, an exhaled sense of satisfaction ran across veins and limbs, the hands and legs shook in excitement, ‘-I feel great,’ he stood empty and faced the ceiling, the flock of television screens was stained in red and innards. Heads were slumped over the control panel, the light flickered, handprints on the walls and doors, many clawed for the door, some backed into the walls. A tale of mercilessness and pure bloodlust could be told in how they had died.

“éclair, what’s the status on the battle?”

“We’ve won,” he said, “-the settlement’s been taken over. Tis hard to get a reading on the devastation, an onsite visit should prove beneficial.”

‘We tested a new weapon today,’ the blood and innards gathered in a halo, ‘-Lucifer,’ he glared the statue, ‘-if not for you, the realm I built would have been safe. The past is the past,’ the shoulders drifted between slumped and puffed.

A day or so before the battle, Igna and the general held a meeting inside a certain fast-food restaurant in the middle of the cacophonous metropolis of Melmark. Technological advancement here was at an all-time high, the true ideal cityscape Igna wanted to paint onto Rosespire. Dressed in nonchalant clothes, the duo made no change in the scenery – passersby were glued to their phones.

“Is there a reason why you called me here?” they sat at the window seat on the first floor, the view led to a zebra-crossing, the sheer number astonishingly made Igna wonder about the population size.

“Sir Valentino,” he sipped the accompanying soft drink, “-I appreciate the visit.”

“Say that to my daughter,” he grudgingly glared, took time to study the surroundings, couples, students, and unknowingly innocent lives living their day-to-day peacefully, “-I don’t understand the reason for our current location. Tis a liability, what if we’re under attack?”

“The heroes will rescue us,” returned Igna, “-besides, I was craving a burger. Isn’t it lovely to see smiles on people’s faces? Look around, the atmosphere’s energetic and happy, it brings me joy. If not for the Emperor, I doubt their expressions... never mind, I’m here to discuss the war and United Nations of Alrosia.”

“Straight to the point,” he took a bite, the brows flashed in astonishment, “-this is delicious,” he commented.

“I know,” returned Igna, “-to the point. Alphia’s split into three factions, the nobles, the military, and the independent parties, the conglomerates. Each is allowed to act for the benefit of the country; however, the influence of the imperial family isn’t much to speak of. Since the marriage, the Empress’ made waves in establishing the crown as a pillar – the result was further splitting of the factions. Doesn’t matter, for now, what I’m interested in is the Military faction. You, General Valentino, hold more power than is let on, public safety to the control of noble families, the military is quite scary – if I’m so inclined to say, the surveillance faction is to be wary.”

“No idea,” he ate, “-what then, what is it you wish?”

“A favor for a favor,” he smiled, “-I promise the complete defeat of the forces currently camped in Whuotan. In return, I only ask for the Military to accept Alrosia as the new leadership. Here are the details on when I’ll launch my attack,” he slid a piece of paper, “-‘twould be wise to send reinforcement – haste is the utmost priority when capturing land.”

“Let’s say I accept, what is there for me?”

“The credit for taking over Whuotan and an undeniable advantage on the war. Each side’s sick of fighting, besides, the battle was instigated by the church. If they retreat, I’m sure the empire will take the cue and follow. I believe in the emperor’s intellect, he’s wise.”

“Unacceptable. If retaking the northern province was such a simple task, I fail to see how the military couldn’t handle the matter alone. We could use thy plan...”

“Bad idea, the plan won’t work,” he smirked, “-because I’m the one who’s heading into battle. Balls in your court, general.”

“I owe you favors,” he exhaled, “-my eccentric daughter grew to be a police chief, I was scared for her future, I’m relieved, she’s formed a family and expects a child. Odgar told me about what you did. Don’t want to be ungrateful,” a shade of intrigue lowered his focus onto the meal, “-naturally, you’d want me to handle the conglomerates?”

“Right on,” he cheered, “-I expected no less from a wise man.”

“You have a deal. I will send my forces to the north on conditions that the land’s been captured.”

“I’ll make good on my promise,” thus ended their exchange – time showed 03:00 on the watch, Igna and Alio waited in front of a caved-in pathway.

‘The observatory was cleaned of bodies, who exactly is this man?’ glanced to the beach, ‘-the lingering smoke makes it hard to gauge the destruction. What is he thinking?’

“03 reporting,” said the coms, “-the area’s clear.”

“All is well, no enemies in sight.”

“All is well here,” said 03, “-the prisoners are unusually quiet. We wait for thy orders.”

“Understood,” off the earpiece and before the stone-edifice, “-step back, it’s going to go boom.”

“Go boom?”

Opposite them, the general’s forces arrived in full: tanks, armored vehicles, the major was left in complete shock, “General Valentino,” he gawked with open mouth.

“Alrighty, people, ready up – we’ll move in on my orders.”

“Yes sir.”

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