The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 97

All who seated heard the news about her majesty deciding to get married. Their faces held smiles, she quickly read their minds to check but all their thoughts were filled with confusion yet a glimpse of happiness cleared out the distorted state of mind. The hint of blissfulness was brought by the unexpected news about her. Murmurs and chatter filled the room, some seats were left empty. Many were away due to various complaints voiced by the general populous. However, this meeting had been of utter urgency, one after the other; portals materialized and the seats filled.

“Thank you all for hastily attending this council,” the old sage, the one who controlled said discussion spoke loudly and stepped forward – silence befell the room. With a big inhale, “as you all know, Arda was recently attacked. Nonetheless, we managed to end said attempt of an invasion.” He took a quick pause, the room felt tense, the expression people held were gloomy. “-though it was made at the peril of our citizens; we cannot afford for this to happen ever again. Thus, this meeting is for all to come and voice their arguments and frustrations.” He stepped back, it allowed the representatives to breathe and gather their thoughts.

“Pardon me,” the representative of commoners, an old lady bearing whiteish hair and a golden collar spoke. She went by the nickname of Great Mother, otherwise known by her real name as Ayluin Orilana, a dark elf just like the old sage. “-we all know that her majesty isn’t responsible for said invasion.” She stopped to gather her breath, everyone around her crossed their arms and nodded in agreement. “however, failing to oversee the possibilities of an attack is foolish and inconsiderate. A lack of responsibility that does not lie on her majesty’s shoulder but the general Niroz Knakthix.” She stared right at him.

“Great Mother,” his loud voice made the table tremble, “I do take part of the responsibility. Sadly, sending royal troops without my consent or asking me my thoughts on the matter lays on her majesty’s shoulder. Sadly, even if she had asked me – I’d have given permission, therefore, I’m one to blame.” *Never make excuses and always admit when you’re wrong,* A true warrior accepts their weakness and endeavors to never repeat said errors. The council saw the sincerity in his eyes and voice.

“I’d like to apologize for my shortcomings,” Shanna spoke, everyone’s faces turned pale. “Your majesty, you should not be saying sorry,” Ruslan, one of her counselors added. Everyone followed with, “yes, you should not be apologizing,” none wanted to see their ruler lower her head in shame and guilt. “Enough is enough,” an enigmatic voice stopped the pointless blabber, “I haven’t come to watch a drama play out.” The man responsible, the richest noble in Arda as well as the oldest and most powerful vampire – Zachaeus Balthazar. Long black hair, red eyes, skin white as snow with an attire truly worth a vampiric lord, a top hat that rested on the table and a heavy, dark coat.

“Greetings lord Zachaeus Balthazar of the Nox clan,” Shanna smiled courteously. “Greetings your majesty, I hope my arrival didn’t come as a surprise.” Lord Zachaeus wasn’t really known for attending these meetings. However, he did come, on special occasions to help quell a problem. “May we have your opinion on this matter,” Great mother asked in a feeble tone.


“Surely,” he leaned towards the table. “This quandary isn’t much to talk about. The kingdom failed to protect their citizens; mostly because the guards were away. However, confusion was also brought about by the lack of order. Most people were killed by the hands of others. Nevertheless, the action taken to save the remaining lives by utilizing rare scrolls did leave an impact. People were shocked to see such precious items being used to save their lives. Rich or poor, the nondiscriminatory usage proved to have already set their minds at peace. All they need now is a small push to help them celebrate and get out of their state of woeness. We’re a nation without humans, our emotions aren’t the same. We can grieve someone without lashing out – our understanding that all things must die one day is best for when tragedy inevitably strikes.” He stopped, everyone felt mesmerized by how he spoke. He relaxed into a more comfortable posture, “on that note, why don’t we all celebrate her majesty’s wedding. Isn’t a banquet being called forth later tonight.” He lifted his wine glass. “I agree with Lord Balthazar,” one by one, everyone lifted their cups; the problem had been fixed yet again.

They all took a sip, “but then again, I do wonder where the kingdom had the coins to purchase so many scrolls at once.” Zachaeus raised another important question. “There’s nothing to hide,” the old sage stepped forward, he stopped Shanna from saying anything. “-those scrolls were crafted from blank ones by the man our queen has fallen for-”

*Cough,* “Avon, please get the weapons ready, we don’t have all day,” Staxius shouted. “Fine, fine, no need to shout master,” he winked.

“-now I see that many of you are confused, therefore I’ll say it again. Staxius Haggard, the only human in Arda was the one responsible for writing the scrolls.” Chairs screeched aside, part of the council stood abruptly, “excellent, with someone that knowledgable by our side, Arda is sure to prosper.” They praised him and her majesty. It had been a long quest for Arda, the universities fully invested in researching how to make scrolls – with Staxius by their side, that would prove to be no longer a dream.

“Everyone, settle down,” the sage got all to regain their composure. Xula did but watch. “On that note, we also have something else to propose.” He signaled Shanna to speak. She nodded, “Staxius, I as well as the sage, have been mauling over the possible idea of opening an adventuring guild. The prior incident proved to us the importance of having adventurers. Hypothetically speaking, if we already did have said system in place, royal guards would not be ordered to leave the capital. This, in turn, would limit the risk of an invasion, the adventurers would fight on our behalf – monsters killed, tis a win for all.”

“Wouldn’t that mean opening our borders to humans?” Lord Balthazar asked. “Most definitely not.” She fired back with full confidence. “-since our independence, the order views us as a separate entity. Our guilds would be for Arda’s use only.” Balthazar looked skeptical but agreed. “Seems logical, why open a guild to another foreign country.” His mind felt at ease.

“We’ll have to make a trip to the capital, but as you know...” discrimination against them proved a problem, “-don’t tell me,” great mother figured it out. “Is Staxius going to be negotiating on our behalf?” she asked confidently about her guess. “Yes, he volunteered for the deed himself,” Xula replied. Balthazar’s stance faltered, ‘that’s why he wants to marry her majesty this quickly. We all know they were sweethearts, however, if he wanted to get any leverage while negotiating on our behalf – he will need to be someone powerful in our kingdom.’ He chuckled. ‘I like you, Staxius Haggard, I like how you think.’

“May I propose something?” he spoke out loud, “go ahead,” she replied. “If Staxius is going to be negotiating on our behalf – his title as boron of Dorchester isn’t going to have much weight. However, if he were to marry her majesty, this would put him first in line to the throne as well as making him a consort prince. Normally that is, but for him and for the sake of Arda, her majesty will have to bestow upon him the title and rank of King. Normally, that would be unacceptable, a foreigner to hold the title of King after marrying, it mostly depends on the council.” He smiled and faced everyone, “the council is us, and we fully acknowledge Staxius as a man of courage and bravery. He cares for Arda as much as her majesty, his actions have proved that time and time again.” He stood, “therefore, I plead for all of you to accept him as king,” and bowed. ‘Staxius Haggard, I’ve paid my debt; saving Aurora and changing how she thought has only brought about happiness in her life. My great-great-granddaughter is someone who has a smile on her face ever since she left the royal guards. Thank you for defeating and sparing her life.’

Applause filled the room, “well said, lord Balthazar, well said.” Ruslan smiled, “tonight’s banquet will not only be a celebration of their marriage but also – it will be the night where the seat of King is finally filled.”

“With this, the council is over, you may all return to your activities.” They all left with smiles on their faces. None expected this development – from consort prince to first in line to the throne and king, Staxius remained in the dark about said news. Shanna Islegust is the first and only queen as well as the only one in the royal family. If she were to ever die, the throne would have to been taken by the next highest ranking noble as opposed to a member of her family. Since Staxius is to be wedded with her, this will automatically make him next in line. Succession in Arda has never really crossed anyone’s mind. The kingdom isn’t bothered with the prospect of blood and all those preconceptions. No family with only one sole ruler means the start of said process. All knew that queen Shanna will never die for she’s a fairy.

“Your majesty, are you alright?” the sage asked since all were gone. “I know not myself,” she sat sloppily on her chair, her gaze faced upwards. “Aren’t you happy that Staxius will be wedded to you later this night?” He approached her. “I can’t put in words how much this means to me. However, making him king as opposed to a consort prince will put so much pressure on his shoulder. I don’t want him to be restricted by Arda, that job is mine and mine alone.” Her tone felt sad. “I dare say you have a massive misunderstanding – this is for the greater good of Arda. No matter what you think, Staxius knew from the start that entering a courtship with a queen will put enormous pressure on him. You are wrong to underestimate that man, he’s far more powerful than any of us. The resolve and will to accomplish something when he sets his mind onto something. Blood, death, he will go to any length; I’ve seen it first-hand. There’s a strange fire burning inside him; I sensed it when he furiously wrote scroll after scroll – he is no human.”

“Your majesty,” he walked away, “you better get ready for tonight. It will be a night that changes our kingdom – I’m going to inform Staxius about the developments.” The sage left, Xula remained seated; the footsteps faded. ‘King Staxius doesn’t have that bad a ring to it. No matter, it’s a matter of him accepting. I’ve made my peace with it, King of Arda – I await you.’ Her face changed from gloomy to blissful. The realization that they were to be wedded later that night made her cheeks flush. Everything sunk in slowly and just like a little girl, she grew ecstatic. The wind blew cold across the continent, the sun faded and gave way for dusk. Time had come, Staxius’s venture into a new world began with that first step. The venture onto a new battlefield; the world of politics – a battlefield that tests and tears one’s mind apart.

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