The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 641: Encountering another Plaga Type host

Chapter 641: Encountering another Plaga Type host

Indeed, ever since he ventured into this city of ruins, Sheyan had started paying a fee of 10,000 utility points per hour. Truly an act of burning money not just in name, but also in reality.

It was mainly because Sheyan had a lapse in memory. Back in the inner reaches, he was unfortunately affected by the venomous halo of that crimson red boss Licker and had fainted.

When he awoke, he was already residing within the core tunnels into the innermost reaches. Prior to that, he was definite rescued and treated by Mbenga, sadly, there was no way of him salvaging the loss time.

During that entire period, Sheyan was squandering his utility points at a rate of 5,000 per hour. But right now, the rate had skyrocketed into an outrageous amount.

His only reprisal was, this was, after all, a world where riches and treacheries coexisted.

While fumbling around the city of ruins, Sheyan accidentally triggered a certain mechanism. Fortunately, most of its threat had corroded with time, and only a single danger was unleashed. Though that was so, it seemingly claimed almost half of Sheyan’s life. In the end, Sheyan managed to discover this place, and solely from the harvest he acquired here, it was sufficient for him to carry on probing around the city of ruins for 7-8 hours.

At this point, the setting sun once again peeped out from behind the dark clouds; casting a scorching radiance onto his body. A passionate and spicy warmth. The remnants of buildings were also constructed with special materials. Under the boiling golden rays, they exuberated an indescribable gold and jade in glorious splendour.

Prior to infiltrating the historical ruins, Sheyan very prudently investigated the entire composition and routes. Yet never did he expect, once he entered this labyrinth of crumbling fences and dilapidated walls, finding a straightforward route to his objective was excruciatingly arduous.

The route he planned beforehand had dissolved into a joke!

Don’t mention those unfathomably deep, and insurmountable ravines, the whole city was polluted with snares and pitfalls. It was simply impossible to tread along a straight route.

Of course, Sheyan considered employing other methods. Utilizing the superhuman strength of contestants to leap through the towering ruins, and operate high above the ground. In the end, the consequences were worse off; where he triggered terrifying mechanisms, forcing the helpless him to obediently traverse along the ground.

All of a sudden, Sheyan glanced backwards because he had vividly heard clear ‘shua la shua la’ sounds of repetitive dragging footsteps.


"Not possible! Those footsteps sound much nimbler than his!"

"Then, it must be an enemy!"

Sheyan immediately rushed ahead, leaving behind that right corner. Yet after a short span of seconds, he glanced back and noticed someone. Someone that had left a deep, profound impression!

A dried corpse of bag and bones. Mystifying unparalleled movement speed with completely deformed steps.

Indeed, this was someone who had etched a profound impression on Sheyan.

With one sweep of his gaze, he could perceive it was in the same category as they Plaga Type Host that welcomed them in a village previously! Perhaps, this was even a stronger version.

Against this opponent, it was possible to resist and not surrender; except, where would Sheyan find a mutated Arachnidacrab to suppress it now? More crucially, Sheyan’s concocted herb medicine didn’t seem to be effective in this fogless innermost core reaches. It could probably at most disrupt and cause some confusion to it, detecting Sheyan was still possible.

Observing such a state, Sheyan very bluntly produced ‘Ambition’ and shot it.

Beforehand, Sheyan had also smeared the ‘Tigfog’ herb medicine onto ‘Ambition’. Therefore, even though his shot dealt meagre damages to that Plaga Host, the

negative effect of the ‘Tigfog’ herb medicine surprisingly still affected it slightly.

The Plaga Host’s movement speed became noticeably slower, but of course, it remained faster than Sheyan.

They toured through several routes, with the Plaga Host chasing ravenously behind while Sheyan sprinting desperately ahead.

Suddenly, Sheyan executed a bizarre action. Although the route ahead was perfectly intact without obstructions, Sheyan bent his legs and leapt forward like a fish. Soaring through the air for a distance that would put an olympic long jump champion to shame, he cushioned his fall with his single hand and rolled forward.

If his pursuer was a highly intelligent creature, it would surely whiff an incomparably intense scent of conspiracy from Sheyan’s actions. However, this Plaga Type host had utterly degraded to animalistic instincts. It only desired to accomplish two tasks.

Feasting and propagating, both of which were intimately related to the prey it was hunting ahead. Propelled by those drivers, its pitiful mind could only think of a single notion - to dash in the shortest route available, with the fastest speed. As such, all ominous premonitions of danger would be neglected!

Without any second thoughts, the Plaga host stomped down onto the region where Sheyan had leapt across. Under its bodily weight, a sonorous rumble abruptly reverberated from the stone wall beside. Instantly after, that stone wall shifted aside with a bang, while a grounded stone slab slid away speedily. From within the ruinous heap, a sculpture thrust out!

This sculpture resembled a serpent-headed warrior. Its muscles were fashioned with excellent clarity, but the most defined part was its man part beneath; truly exaggerated and distinct.

This wasn’t some obscene pornographic scene, but worshipping fertility was commonly seen amongst primitive tribes. The main deity these Ndipaya people worshipped should be that gigantic coiled serpent, and probably the second was the goddess of fertility; analogous to the daoists of China who worship the Jade Emperor and then Taishang Laojun.

A whistle-like object was equipped with the gigantic serpent-headed sculpture, and as the sculpture thrust forward, that object would cut through the air while releasing a piercing hissing sound.

The sculpture was installed to be kneeling, as it carved out a long streak of sparks along the ground, before thrusting in fanatically towards that Plaga Type host.

The hissing of that gigantic serpent-headed sculpture was truly cutting; like a file scraping against one’s eardrum, shuddering one’s head giddy. From afar, Sheyan frowned as his eardrums had also suffered injuries.

Caught totally unprepared, that sculpture collided against the Plaga Host from behind; driving it forward and pinning it to the solid wall ahead.

Kacha! Kacha! Cracking sounds of bone fracturing echoed out. Yet at this moment, the four limbs of the Plaga host strangely wrapped backwards!

This was an action normal humans were incapable of. Under normal circumstances, the only consequence would be having all limbs dislocated. Yet when the Plaga host exerted strength, it actually managed to wrap its limbs around that gigantic serpent-headed sculpture.

Boom! It squeezed and crumbled off the waist of this incomparably solid stone sculpture. Once again, it recovered its freedom.

As the stone sculpture crumbled into a puff of dust and debris, the Plaga Host shifted its target to Sheyan once again.

Nevertheless, the Ndipaya kingdom was a flourishing era of splendorous craftsmanship and arts, as were their pristine interlocked stratagems of snares they established; a perfect countermeasure for brats who ignorantly wreak havoc within the city!

Right at the instance, the stone sculpture crumbled, an incredibly hoarse crunching sound transmitted out from a nearby wall! It sounded like gears and chains were rotating and instantly after, a short spear whizzed out from an insignificant looking hole.

That short spear twisted and meandered through the air like a swimming serpent. Though that Plaga Host attempted to dodge, the short spear pierced in with lightning speed and penetrated through its back. Its unstoppable momentum then carried the Plaga Host and nailed it onto the opposite stone wall!

Such degree of injuries would be fatal to a human, but to this Plaga Type Host, it only served to infuriate it.

Barking raspily, the Plaga Host pushed against the wall with both hands; forcibly pushing its body out from the end of the serpent-shaped short spear. Its human body was merely a tool, as long as its nucleus wasn’t harmed, all forms of assaults would only compound its ludicrosity.

Yet right before Plaga Host forced its body out from the spear, a clang resounded from it!

Like an umbrella, 7-8 incisive slender blades fanned out from the spear’s body.

Within a second, a massive cavity was ripped out from the Plaga Host’s chest, exposing its yellowish ribs where even the stone wall behind could be seen. Despite so, the Plaga Host remained nonchalant to such injuries, as it wrestled out from the front and continued charging forth.

Who knew, when it stomped forward with a single step, another ‘Ka ka’ mechanism resounded.

Two intersecting murderous beams shot out from tiny holes on both lateral walls. Once again, it was that exact serpent-shaped short spear, yet this time, iron chains were linked to its rear.

Shua la! Shua la! The chains tightened in an instant!

Two serpent spears, one left one right, punctured into the body of that Plaga Host. Following that, the iron chains attached to their backs tightened, forming an ‘x’ across the Plaga Host’s body! Its mobility was momentarily shut down.

Quickly after, an enormous serpent-headed stone sculpture crashed out from the wall behind with a loud bang!

As for this sculpture, its hands were moulded with a gigantic stone sledgehammer.

The stone sculpture revolved with matchless fury, as a stone sledgehammer, that exceeded the weight of half a ton, smashed the upper body of the Plaga Type host into mangled smithereens!

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